Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

E ver heard the term, “No-Brainer“?  This refers to knowing or doing something without having to think about it. Would it surprise you to know most of us live the majority of our lives in what I call “No-Brainer” mode. Most people are stuck in a pattern of comfort and find themselves simply Ok with just being Ok and getting by.  Using their time, talents and gifts to serve others has become a distant future thought based on a contingency of “when” things get better for themselves.  

If this applies to you, I invite you to please allow me to give you some unsolicited advice today.  Don’t make this mistake, for I’ve found that the best form of giving is giving out of scarcity and sacrifice rather than waiting and hoping for future abundance.  

Dare to turn that brain back on and kick that comfort to the curb and get back into the hunt to create a life of substance and significance through your service to your fellowman (or woman).  I sincerely believe that scarcity presents an awesome opportunity for us to “give” our way out of a rut or slump in life. 

So, go ahead and give of your time, talents and limited treasures to bust up these challenging times.  Now that should be a “No-Brainer”.  Let’s continue to Make it GREAT!


When it comes to parenting and raising solid, respectful kids one of the most important words I’ve learned to say is “Yes”. 

As a father of four beautiful kids I must admit that years ago I used to spell “Love”, W-O-R-K and M-O-N-E-Y.  I used to be quick to say “No” when it came to doing the simplest of things with my kids like playing basketball or curb-ball or rough-housing.  I would justify my answer with the fact that I was “too busy”.  Well, thank God years ago I eventually realized that “too busy” was just a common scapegoat that demonstrates our real priorities in life. 

I’m happy to say that one glorious day I had the good-fortune of overhearing a conversation a couple of my kids were having with my wife and it suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks that the most important thing is not how hard we W-O-R-K or how much M-O-N-E-Y we make, our kids spell “Love”, T-I-M-E. 

No wonder there are countless stories of multi-millionaires and billionaires the world over that have failed to create the proper bond and connection with their kids due to the lack of T-I-M-E invested with them.  The biggest factor in our kid’s lives is not the school teacher or the BFF or the babysitter or the TV or the video game.  The biggest factor in their lives should be YOU and your ability to say “Yes” to the time investment in the simple things that show them that they’re important. 

So, here’s a brief reminder for you today.  In this life we have many, many mistakes to make but we don’t have to make them all ourselves.  I invite you to learn from my mistake and take time to tune-out of the busyness that life can bring us and tune-in to those little ones around us both young and old.  And, remember we only get one time through this “life” thing.  No do-over’s on this one, so let’s get it right the first time through.

Be encouraged this week and be sure to say “Yes” as you choose to invest your T-I-M-E wisely with those who are counting on you to show them how to WIN.  The unfortunate reality is that most people won’t even have time to read this post today, “too busy”.  Hmmmm.  Don’t let it be you.

Let’s make it GREAT!


Over the years I’ve discovered that our level of belief has a direct relationship with our level of success.  Our belief in our own ability to accomplish great things is the first and most important step in the process of accomplishing great things. 

So be sure to pull out your “Belief-o-meter” this week and check your level.  I’m here to remind you today and everyday here-forward that yes you can make it GREAT if you believe it’s possible for you.  So, BELIEVE and you will soon ACHEIVE !!!   Make it GREAT!


A little food-4-thought for you today:

Even the best among us have their fair share of ups and downs.  I’ve found that the very definition of life has to incorporate the reality of ups and downs, for if there were no “downs” how would we ever know when we’re “up”.  Hmmmm.

I invite you to consider the following thought today and understand that your current position in life, up or down, is simply just part of the process of life.  The down days can build character and resilience, and the up days can build confidence and self-esteem.

The harsh reality is that he/she who is not experiencing the ups and downs of life is no longer living, they’re dead.  So my good-word for you today friends is to enjoy the ups and embrace the downs, for it all works to our good if we want it to. 

Let’s continue to lean forward this weekend as we attempt to once again Make it GREAT!


I invite you to join me today in imagining ourselves winning those mental battles we’ve lost with ourselves in the past.  Let’s develop a healthy thirst for revenge against the negative self-talk that’s gotten the best of us in the not- so-distant past. 

            Today we solemnly declare that our internal foe won’t be given a second chance to knock us on the ropes of life.  Our foe won’t have another opportunity to place doubt into our heads about our capabilities and abilities to overcome and become something greater.  We understand that the toughest battles we will ever fight are the ones on the battlefields of our own minds.  We clearly realize that our “enemy” outside is secondary to our “inner-me” on the inside.  We also understand all-too-well that our inner-me knows all of our weaknesses and our strengths, so it is indeed a formidable foe. 

            Nevertheless, in all of our battles both internal and external, we will ultimately win because we’re not afraid to lose.  We will “find” because we have dared to seek.  And, we choose to live our lives in pursuit of something great and significant for the benefit and service of others today, because we know that tomorrow never comes. Yes my friends, we only have today, this infinite moment in time.

            So, we choose today to pursue making our lives matter for much more than just ourselves and our loved ones in our general vicinity.  We will pursue making it GREAT for the world!  So, “PRESS-ON!” I say toward the mark of the high call that has been placed on our lives by our creator and let’s continue to not just make it good but Make it GREAT!    GREAT WEEKEND!!!  


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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book