Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

During the seasoned-citizen years of our life I’m told that one of the most important assets we will possess is not necessarily our retirement nest-egg or free & clear house.  And it won’t be that retirement bonus or new, jazzy sports-car that gets crappy gas mileage either.  All these things will pale in comparison to this one asset that has been declared priceless time-and-time again by those who have had the good fortune of reaching their golden years.  What is this priceless asset you ask?  Well, it’s simply your “Memories”.

The memories of the first things you’ve had in your life,
Like the first time your kid’s ever road a bike. 

The memories of the picture show,
Or the trips to the local rodeo.

The theme park with the fun rides,
Or when the kids were seekers and they wanted you to hide.

The first time you got that meaningful hug,
Or the unforgettable time you first fell in love.

The time you had more work to do,
But you took the day off to take your kids to the zoo. 

No money are material things can ever take the place
Of these memories that will hopefully never be erased.

So if money over memories ever crosses your mind,
Pause for a moment and remember my short rhyme.

Be ambitious and make as much money as you can,
But forget NOT creating the memories with your woman or man.

Memories will keep you warm in those winters of life. 
So, Money over Memories? Not for me. Not tonight.

My unsolicited advise today is, please don’t be deceived into compromising the best years of your life by chasing the all-mighty dollar at the expense of delaying and deferring memory creation.  Time can be a lot of things, but it can’t be regained.

We only get one time through this “life” thing, no do’over’s, so go ahead and delay your gratification, but don’t delay your memory creation.

Let’s make it GREAT!



I was laying in my bed in my most inspirational position this morning, which is flat on my back staring at the ceiling, when I suddenly had what I call a “Hallelujah moment of inspiration”.  So as usual, I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed one of my trusted-ole journals and started to write out my thoughts.

The idea that came to mind was a new, contemporary, acronymic definition of “Adversity” that I think you might get some value from.  My new definition of “Adversity” is, “the Ability to Develop Via Experiencing Rough Situations that Involuntarily Train You.”  If you really break this definition down you’ll find that adversity really does give you the ability to develop by experiencing hardships and struggles in situational life events that are designed to make you stronger and help you to grow rather you want to encounter these experiences or not. 

So I invite you to think of adversity as a welcomed opportunity to grow and get better.  All things that are great and worthwhile were no doubt realized on the other side of “Adversity”.  Be encouraged today if you’re experiencing a bit of discomfort amidst a struggle and know that you’re in training and a new and better you is coming right around the corner.  Continue to lean forward and make it GREAT!  GREAT WEEK !!!



2 – 4 – 6 – 8
Life is short so
Make it GREAT !!!

We only get one time through this “life” thing, no do-over’s, so let’s Make it GREAT!


Yes it’s true that evil can only flourish if good people stand by and do nothing.  We must all do our part to stamp out the evil of prejudice and racism around us and be that voice to the voiceless whenever the opportunity presents itself.  No doubt this form of evil is definitely a learned behavior that starts subtlely and over time can grow into a full-blown, flagrant disregard for human life.

History has taught me that man can be outrageously cruel and violent if left unchecked in the absence of a healthy respect for God and a good conscious.  So I say to you today “Good People”.  Be aware of the atrocities that are still being perpetrated around you today and commit to do your part.  Rather small or not-so-small, the helpless and voiceless needs us all to answer their quiet call so don’t drop the ball. 

We must choose to be the exception to the unwritten rule of “Not My Problem” or less evil will rule the day.  “Good People” let’s continue in our efforts to make this world GREAT!   GREAT WEEKEND !!!


Years ago I wised up and stopped aggressively giving people a piece of my mind because eventually I had very little mind left for my own use.  So now I just lovingly share my thoughts and comments and opinions with those who are willing to lend an ear.

I invite you to lend an ear today and consider that in this life we can’t afford to let our time pass us by as time passes by.  I’ve noticed that many of us have been inflicted with what I call the “I’m Gonna” disease.  Many of us have become accustom to saying, “I’m gonna do this and I’m gonna do that…” but at the end of the day our empty actions have once again made our words useless and inconsequential. 

Urgency rules the day and takes precedence because it’s not what’s important “next”, it’s what’s important “Now”.  I believe that planning for what comes next leaves room for inaction and procrastination and the principle protagonist of prosperity is non-procrastination.  So don’t just plan for what comes “Next”, plan for what comes “NOW” because the last time I checked I confirmed that tomorrow is still not promised to us.   All we ever have is this infinite moment in time and that time is “NOW”.

Warning!  The “I’m Gonna” disease appears to be highly contagious and it’s rapidly infecting millions if not billions of us in epidemic proportions.  But take heart today because the cure is quite simple and you can keep your money in your pocket because it won’t cost you a dime.  This sure-fire cure is what I call “The M.A.N. Plan”, “MASSIVE ACTION NOW! Plan”  You don’t need to figure out how you’re going to get started, you need to just GET STARTED!

I’ve also discovered and realized that opportunity is never stagnant, it’s always in constant motion and those who suffer from the “I’m Gonna” disease will be repeatedly passed over by it again and again and again.  So my good word to you today is don’t “Get ready”, “STAY READY” and in a constant state of forward motion.  Stop, drop and roll into your opportunities and commit to take “MASSIVE ACTION NOW!” as you attempt to make this good life a GREAT life!  MAKE IT GREAT !!!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book