An idiot is soon to part with his front teeth and a fool is quick to part with his money, but a wise man gives freely of his knowledge and wisdom to those who would lend an ear.
For those of you who may be in need of a quick bite to eat, I invite you to consume my little food-for-thought on this Magnificent Monday.
It behooves us not to be so quick to let our “rage” rule the intense moments of our lives. Don’t be so easily tricked into letting your big green hulk make your decisions and choices in those extreme moments of frustration and anger. Don’t allow yourself to be fooled and duped into thinking and believing that just because you can yell louder means your position and opinion is the right one.
Life holds few guarantees and one of them is, if you allow “rage” to lead and rule your life it will ruin your life and eventually everything in it. Second hand observation has shown me that uncontrolled, chronic rage will ultimately land you in a 6-by-9 cell or 6 feet under in hell.
So I say to you today that it’s in our own best interest to make an agreement with our inner hulk in advance that in those intense moments where we see and feel rage and anger trying to subtly creep into our lives we will pull the ripcord and employ our prearranged exit or diffusion strategy to prevent saying or doing something we may later regret. After all, the greatest generals aren’t the ones who have won battles and wars, they’re the ones who have been able to avoid the battles and wars.
Know anyone in need of this message today? Hmmmm…
Just a little food-for-thought. Eat up and enjoy.
Let’s all make it GREAT!!!
Pre-Order the Book TODAY: “Make it GREAT”
Motivation – Inspiration – Education -Transformation
As I look back over my life it may come as a surprise to many to hear that some of my most challenging times were during the process of transitioning from a life of abundance and comfort to a life of scarcity and struggle.
Being a giver from a position of abundance for so many years made it extremely tough to be on the receiving end. The acceptance of gifts and other various gestures of kindness from others has been an extremely hard pill to swallow but the water of wisdom has made the process more bearable.
Putting pride aside and letting the “E-Go” has made a world of difference and a genuine expression of gratitude also opened me up to receive more. The surprising aha moment came when I realized that accepting gifts and gestures of kindness from others actually gives the giver an opportunity to be a blessing to you. So as a result, the act of giving and receiving creates a win-win situation.
I realize that saying “Yes” to a hand-out may be tough especially for men, but saying “Yes” to a hand-up is much more doable. It’s all about perspective. So I say to you today, go ahead and allow those friends and family members and even perfect strangers around you to flex their giving muscles by being a blessing to you with their time, talent or treasures. Just smile BIG and simply say “Thank You” and never forget that your duty and obligation is not to necessarily pay it back, but to pay it forward. The giver would be nothing without those in need. 🙂
Let’s all give and receive until it hurts as we continue in our efforts to make it GREAT!
The Book: “Make it GREAT”
I’ve discovered an interesting parallel down through the years that I invite you to consider today. To stay physically fit we must engage in physical calisthenics on a regular basis. The same also exist when it comes to our mental health and fitness, we must also engage in mental calisthenics.
These calisthenics include the programming and reprogramming of our minds. Downloading the mental software that will empower and equip us to succeed in the days ahead is paramount. And we must not forget to delete spam and junk-mail and erroneous information that may slow down our mental processing system.
Yes, it always has been and always will be our own responsibility to protect our mental computers from random viruses and hackers that would want nothing more than to compromise our positive hard-drive and corrupt our delicate mental software programs. Be sure to maintain a topnotch firewall because random attacks are inevitable.
So the key question today is, will you be ready when your attack comes? My unsolicited advice is not to “get ready” but to “stay ready” for an attack and you will ultimately live to tell the story of how you overcame and became something extraordinary.
Let’s continue in our unrelenting efforts to upgrade our mental computers on a regular basis as we all attempt to make it GREAT!
As I stumble my way through this life I’ve had the good fortune of coming across people who are sooooo negative that they oftentimes miss the meaning of the spoken and written positive messages because they’re too busy checking for errors in spelling, grammar and enunciation. Yes, I think of these casual encounters with these negative people as “good fortune” because it reminds me that I can never allow myself to travel down that hill, for it is a very slippery slope indeed. The unfortunate reality is that some individuals have been submerged so deep under the dangerous waters of negativity for so long that they may not even know that they’re drowning.
The good news is that people aren’t actually born this way. It’s a direct result of over-exposure to negativity in their respective environments. The laws of association suggest that it’s almost impossible to dwell in a negative environment around negative people for an extended amount of time and not develop into a negative person yourself.
But take heart my friends, if you make an honest effort to change your environment or immerse yourself into positive things and surround yourself with people who are positive and uplifting and encouraging, you can totally reverse the affects of the negativity affliction. So yes there is hope for a full recovery.
Does this sound like anyone you know? Hmmmm… No need to point any fingers or call any names, just make sure you know the rules of the game and stay in the “right” lane and avoid unnecessary pain. 🙂
One of the best things you can do for a friend, family member or foe is to place this book in their hands. You never know it just might change their life. So reserve your autographed copy today and let’s all do our part to help others make it GREAT too!
The BOOK: “Make it GREAT”