Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Just got back from investing (not spending) all day with my bride and kiddos in Santa Ana and Santa Monica Beach in California and now I feel like Santa Claus, the happiest guy in the world because of cashing in on the opportunity to give.  Not giving of presents, but giving of my time in the present.

Because of such activities, I fully expect my kids to accuse me of drugging them when they reach adulthood.  They’ll tell the story of how I “drug” them to the beach, the park and the church house just to name a few.  I fully realize that time maybe a lot of things but one thing that it is not and it will never be is recyclable.  We can’t get it back folks.  How are you choosing to utilize your time?  Hmmmm…  No need to answer out loud, just make me proud and stand out from the crowd.  

So let’s commit to squeeze the juice out of the present moment and guarantee that years down the road we will have no regrets in terms of time invested and not spent or wasted.  After all, we only get one time through this life thing, so let’s be sure to invest our time attempting to make it GREAT!


The Book:



Well, if you haven’t noticed already summer has come early this year again, especially on the California coast.  And as usual, skin is in again along with hard bodies, rock hard abs and golden-brown tans.  I’ve always believed that this season is specifically designed to remind us not to take our five senses for granted, especially our sense of sight.  Hmmmm…

As I look around and take it all in I can’t help but to ponder the following thought:   I’ve learned and experienced over time that some people work incredibly hard on their body to attract or please that special someone but fail to understand that you also have to work twice as hard on your mind and personal development to keep that special someone.

Simply put, your physical conditioning may attract but a lack of mental conditioning distracts.  Your outer development may attract a mate but your inner development is what makes it GREAT!  Yes, this too is worthy of your best efforts, so make a point to wear this shoe if it fits.

We must commit to make our mental development just as much a priority if we truly desire to maintain a healthy balance in our lives or maintain and sustain a healthy relationship.

Don’t kill the messenger today because he loves you to pieces.  🙂   As I’ve always said, we only get one time through this “life” thing, so let’s NOT just make it good, let’s strive to make it GREAT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book