Create your Plan, Follow your Plan and then expect for things not to go quite as Planned. This is my reality everyday of the week and twice on Sundays.
A few years ago through a series of events I created the “Make it Great” tag-line/slogan and began to attach it to everything I did. I even had a plan to make it the title of my first book due to be released this November (2012). Well, that was until I found out a couple of months ago that the international restaurant franchise, Pizza Hut, grabbed my slogan and trademarked it.
I must admit my first reaction was “Uughhh! I should’ve trademarked my slogan to protect it for my brand!” A few friends even suggested I start legal action but I didn’t want this to be part of my story. So I immediately started to view this new development as an opportunity to make the title and slogan even better.
As a result, it is with complete joy and pleasure that I unveil and reveal the new and improved name for my book, “BreadCrumbs to Making it GREAT.” This title has a slightly different meaning for many people and I think it is a slam dunk based on the content that’s in the book. I would love to hear your thoughts about what this title means to you. Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?
Yes, this is proof-positive that things may not always go as planned, but we can make the necessary adjustments and make the original plan even better. Let’s take this breadcrumb of knowledge and make it GREAT!
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