Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

So the other night my 10-year-old Chance made it to the District Level to compete in an individual oral language event.  This little guy really does have a knack for handling pressure situations with a gift-like ease and precision.  I wish I would’ve had his kind of confidence and calm-under-fire when I was his age.  Maybe the secret lies in his glasses.  Hmmm…

I wish I could say that the excitement of the event was from watching him take first place and move on to regionals, but nope, he wasn’t in the top three to move on this time around.  However, I must reluctantly admit that one of my most fun things to do at these type of competitive events is to scan the crowd while other kids are performing to see if I can pick out their parents.

Yes, as strange as it may sound, this type of activity serves as a bit of excitement for me and that evening did not disappoint.  This activity has actually become like a game or hunt for me.  Experience has taught me to look for the biggest smile and the brightest eyes and an occasional lean forward at the edge of their seats, then BINGO, I’ve found them.  Honestly I’ve found that the facial expressions and body language of some of the parents are sooooo animated that you would think they were auditioning for a role of the next super hero called “Captain Cheesy” the super hero with the high-brows and the cheesy smile.  LOL.  This really is funny stuff, you should try it sometime.  I’ve had some really funny side-busters lately.    🙂

On a more serious note, I truly believe our Creator views us in the same exact light.  When we’re out there striving to do our best in this “life” thing, I bet he’s smiling, clapping and leaning forward in excitement and anticipation of us doing well and honoring him in the process.  He’s counting on us to do our very best with the gifts He’s given us no doubt.  I’m sure His “cheesy” smile is first to all and second to none.

So I say to you today, let’s not be found guilty  of neglecting our God-given-gifts and talents in this life.  Let’s continue to use them to the best of our ability to help others and show the one who created us that we can be counted on and not counted out.  After all, just like any other parent, He will always be our biggest champion and supporter.  So let’s go make it GREAT!  (My Book)


As a kid I was always told to make sure I knew my ABC’s.  Now as an adult, I’m warning you to avoid the ABC’s like the plague.

The adult ABC’s are Anger, Bitterness and Complacency.   These three partners-in-crime have been known to ruin even the best of men and women this side of the universe.  Keeping these three characters in check is a full time job because just when you think you’ve got them under control, they can resurface with a vengeance and threaten to corrupt all you hold dear.

Remember “Anger is just one letter from “Danger.  “Bitterness” is the spite from the bite-of-betrayal, and the deceptive purr from the cat of “Complacency” can lull you into a life of mediocrity.  Yes, these ABC’s on the surface may seem a bit benign, but WARNING, these three are as malignant as they come and if left unchecked, they can quickly develop into a full-blown, stage-four joy-killer and life-stealer.  Don’t let them sneak-up and add you to their infamous list of victims.  Not today.

I encourage you to know your ABC’s well and avoid them at all cost.  This too is definitely a breadcrumb that can help you to Make it GREAT!


Today is the first day of the new and improved you, and tomorrow it will be too.  I would love to make my book a part of your journey.

Your email address at the link below instantly saves you $5 off of my new block-buster book, “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT”:

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You’re invited to a night to make it GREAT!

This Winter 2013 will be a first-of-its-kind event that is guaranteed to Inspire, Motivate, Empower and Educate you and your crew.

Tickets will be available soon with a list of more details (date, time, place, etc.)  All to support a cause bigger than ourselves.  THIS EVENT WILL SALE OUT!!!

This is an event you will be talking about for a long time.  You won’t want to miss this one.  You’re sure to leave being glad you came and experienced it all first hand.

More to come soon….. 


I was having an awesome PC (Power-Chat) with my friend Dawny this morning.  As usual our chat led us down many different roads and one of the roads had to do with dreams and the fact that time, patience and persistence can ultimately make even the loftiest dreams come true.

During our chat we mutually agreed that sometimes when a Dream’s time has come to be fulfilled in a person’s life our body may often times start to do funny things.  I call this phenomenon the FNN Syndrome, which stands for Faint, Nauseous and Nervousness Syndrome.  I’m sure we all have been a victim of this syndrome a time-or-two in our lifetime and if it hasn’t happened for you yet, be patient for your time is coming.

A small unsolicited word of advice:  If you eventually find yourself experiencing these symptoms as big things start to manifest in your life, just take a deep breath, relax and take it all end and embrace the thought and realization that your time has finally come.  Replace the faint, nausea and nervousness with excitement, anticipation and eagerness to succeed.  You’re ready, for your hours-and-hours of preparation has prepared you to win.  You have studied to show yourself approved in this moment.  So, cowboy-up and get-r-done!!!

I absolutely looooove PC’s with a friend that’s on their way to making it GREAT!  My belief is that one Power-Chat per day keeps the negative at bay.  Try it out sometime and you’re sure to find that some of the greatest thoughts and ideas almost always emerge from the simplest of spoken words.

Take another bold step in the right direction today and let’s all continue in our efforts to make these good days, GREAT!!!  YeeeeHaaaah!!!


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To retire or not to retire?  That is the question.  The answer may surprise you…

I can’t wait until I retire,” was the words he said out of anger and frustration.  “Just six more years to go and I’m out-of-here,” was her comment after the heated argument with her co-worker.

Yes, for many people retirement is the ultimate goal and the thought of one day making it to that point makes the stress, strains, frustrations and pains of the day much more bearable for some.

I invite you to consider the following food-4-thought today as you’re headed on your way.  The very nature of what I do has afforded me the opportunity to look at retirement from an entirely different perspective.  It seems to me that the word “retirement” is most often used by those who’re not working in their area of passion and purpose.  True passion and purpose should have only one exit strategy and that’s death.  Yes my friends, we don’t stop until we stop breathing.

Now don’t kill the messenger just yet, for I truly believe that it’s perfectly okay to retire from your job, but we should never ever consider the thought of retiring from the activities involved with our passion and purpose in this life.  Those who’re working in their area of passion and purpose never retire.  They just transition from one area and arena of service to another.

So, I encourage you today to never tire of giving of your talents for the sake of others.  Never cease in leveraging your gifts for the betterment of your neighbors.  Never give up on the hope that your actions today will change someone’s life for the better tomorrow.  This is indeed a breadcrumb of wisdom that can afford you the ability to make this life GREAT!  So Make it GREAT!!!

The Book: “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT”


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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book