Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

If prayer alone made the difference we would all be skinny, sexy and insanely successful.  Prayer is just part of the deal.  We have to pray and move our feet in the direction of what we want and go through some heat to get the cookies we want out of life.  So, I encourage you to move toward “it”, whatever “it” is for you and make “it” GREAT!


Marriage Tip of the Weekend:  Hey men!!!  One of the most surefire forms of foreplay may not be what you think.  Trial and error and years of paying attention to what works best has taught me that doing yard work, doing the dishes or doing the floors may increase the chances of who you’ll be doing later.  Hubba, hubba, hubba…  Wink-Wink  😉  😉

That’s right guy’s, the old honey-do list may increase the chances of you doing your honey.  LOL  🙂  Don’t be surprised if you get a cat-call and whistle or two during the process of your nontraditional foreplay, just take it as a sign that it’s working.

Sex, love, rock & roll and good food (breadcrumbs) for your soul.  The good, bad, happy, sad and the angry and mad are just a few of the many things you’ll find in our new soon-to-be-released, devotional-style book on marriage and relationships, “Bread Crumbs to Making Marriage Great.”  It’s definitely a must-have for every couple who wants to continue to WIN BIG in their relationship.

Continue to play this “Marriage” thing like a sport as you play to WIN and make your marriage GREAT!

Our Marriage Blog:


I was up late again, or early some might say, last night.  As I was checking out some of my messages and emails I bumped into another dream-driven, passion-pursuer who had just sent me a “friend request” online.  After a brief chat-encounter, I suddenly realized the following:

The heights and success great men and women gain and sustain is never achieved by sudden flight or overnight, but while their companions, comrades and competition are sleeping they’re regularly working and toiling upward during the night.

That’s right folks, working in an area of your “true” passion can frequently get you out of bed before the crack of dawn and keep you up late burning the midnight oil because inspiration knows no bounds and recognizes no clock or time zone.

As such, I have oftentimes found myself writing out some of my thoughts by moonlight and thinking that some of the greatest writers in the history of the planet no doubt wrote some of their greatest pieces of work under the same moonlight that I frequently write under.  Hmmm…  What a sobering, refreshing thought.

So, a good question for you today is, have you found your passion yet?  Does it frequently wake you up early or keep you up late?  Are you serving it up for the benefit of those who share this great planet with you?  Chew on this breadcrumb for a while and I hope your honest answer makes you smile with genuine, passion-produced joy.  🙂

It’s never too late to find that passion of yours and start making it GREAT!   Psss…  Someone is quietly waiting and counting on you to inspire them in your area of passion, so don’t let’em down.  Not today.  Choose to make it GREAT for their sake.

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Your underground roots will always determine your above ground fruits and you have to be two kinds of crazy and three kinds of foolish to believe otherwise.

As this is true, this means that your core principles, philosophies, morals and beliefs about the world around you and the people in it matters most every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

So there’s no need to tell me about your roots just show me your fruits.  🙂   Understanding this breadcrumb of wisdom today can make a big difference in what you produce tomorrow.  So let’s continue to dig deep and water and nurture those roots so we can make our fruits GREAT!  GREAT DAY!!!

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When it comes to business, I’ve found that most goals and dreams are front-loaded with the investment of lots of time and money.  But if the business is built properly, it later becomes back-loaded with the return of lots of free time and almost effortless flow of money.

So I encourage you new home-based business owners to be sure to get a complete understanding of this reality and allow it to keep you charged during your journey through the minefield of struggle and adversity while building your business organization and clientele.

And always remember that there’s no gain in the absence of strain, there’s no victory without a little misery and there’s no reward without some occasional discord.  So go pay the price to enrich your life as you dare to embark upon your adventure and make it GREAT!

My brand new “1099 Warrior” audio CD is coming soon.  It’s a must-have for those of you small business owners who want to increase you and/or your team’s chances of winning in any business.  Stay tuned….

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book