Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

A little Food-4-Thought from  One of the biggest myths is that the sun rises every morning.  Actually the sun never rises or falls, it’s always there.  We just turn our backs on it every evening, so myth busted.

In the wake of fathers day it reminds me of the way some fathers treat their responsibilities.  Don’t let it be you.  Step up to the plate and Make it GREAT!

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The best Fathers understand that Love is spelled “T-I-M-E” and not “W-O-R-K”.

That’s right, success on the job can never make up for failure in the home,
So remember my message well before your kids are all grown and gone.

And if they’re already grown and gone and for them you never took the time,
Be sure to give them a framed copy of my short little rhyme.

Work as you must to live and faithfully carry the torch,
But give them plenty of TIME so you can later smile in that rocking-chair on the porch.

So from this day forward remember what you must do,
And in life never forget we only get one time through…. (Page 66 in my book)


My Book “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT” is loaded with several of these rhymes and lots of other content I’ve created just for you to give you a beacon that shines a light to Inspire, Motivate and Educate.  Get your copy today and don’t wait to Make it GREAT!

16 years ago today I “Jumped the Broom” and married my Karen Ice.  With a last name like “Ice” she had me caught cold.  Our union busted the myth that “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”  Yes we met in Vegas 19 years ago, but we didn’t stay in Vegas.
A friendship that grew into a Family-ship and it really is getting better and better every year.  The smiles are real and I wouldn’t change the hand I have for nothing in the world. The Good, Bad, Happy, Sad, Ups, Downs, Highs and the Low’s is just the way it goes, but the Good definitely outways the Bad everyday of the week and twice on Sundays.
Yes, Mr. BreadCrumb has a big cool-aid smile on his face right about now and I’m planning to continue in my efforts to make this marriage thing GREAT! Hope you’re doing the same. Happy Anniversary Ms. Ice. Let’s keep Making it GREAT!
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To all those who are within eye or ear-shot of my words today, please be advised that FEAR is a well disguised motorcycle cop hiding in the bushes of life waiting for the perfect opportunity to arrest unsuspecting individuals attempting to speed outside their comfort zone.

But take heart today and understand that FEAR is really just “False Evidence Appearing Real.”  So, speed on outside your comfort zone with confidence today and everyday as you continue in your efforts to make it GREAT!

My Website:

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As the day presents you with new challenges and opportunities remember to never let the memory of your last failure bully you into a life of never taking risk.  Failure is just a prerequisite for Success, so fail forward fast and don’t be surprised when Success eventually shows up.  This breadcrumb of wisdom can really make a huge difference in your life, so eat up and go up.

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book