Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Just as the body builder who wants to be bigger and stronger has to increase his reps and weight, so too does the person who wants to be stronger and wiser have to seek wisdom and endure hardships and adversity.

Yes that’s right friends, for us to ‘be better’ and ‘do better’ we must ‘know better’ and the only way we can know better is if we’re not afraid to challenge ourselves and step outside of our comfort zones.

Comfort and predictability breed mediocrity and complacency.  So if we really want to be better and wiser we must commit to stay uncomfortable and be okay with unpredictable situations and circumstances.

Simply put, overcoming challenges leads to growth and during the process we gain wisdom.  This is a philosophy that I live by.  Anytime I feel a bit stuck or stagnant, I start to seek out new challenges and uncomfortable situations.

So I say to you today my friends, stay uncomfortable as you traverse this life and you’re sure to get a few steps closer to Making it GREAT!


I was chatting with my good friend Caren a few days ago and after asking her how she was doing, her response was, “I’m giving ‘me’ back to ‘me’…”  Naturally this statement caught me off guard so I then asked for a bit of clarification and she said, “I’ve finally decided to give myself permission to be myself again.”

You see, Caren is just emerging on the other side of a recent struggle that almost convinced her to take herself out of the game of life.  She stated that life’s mounting problems in concert with prescribed medications was a cocktail combination for disaster that was leading her down a road of quiet desperation and possible self-destruction.

The constant subtle pressure to be someone she wasn’t coupled with a classic case of treating the symptoms and not the problems in her life and health was setting her up to be claimed as yet another victim of depression.  And, the worst part was that she didn’t even see it coming.

As weird as it may sound, I can’t say that I was surprised by her story.  You see, as it relates to depression, so often is the case where we become the most vulnerable is when we think that it can’t happen to us, and Caren was no exception.  “I never thought I could ever make it to a point of such extreme in my life, but thank God for good friends who show up at the right time,” she says.  As it turns out, this friend wasn’t afraid to be nosey and get involved and it ultimately saved her life.

Yes Caren is one of the fortunate few that managed to escape and is now completely okay with telling her story of survival.  When asked how would she advise others who are going through the fire of life with similar challenges, she said, “Even the most level-headed person in the world is not immune to the death-grip of depression and medication.  So listen to your friends if they’re recognizing signs and changes in your behavior that you may not be aware of and get proper helpI’m giving ‘me’ back to ‘me’ and I’ll be careful not to let this happen to me again in the future.

Well said Caren…  I’m not sure where her road of life will take her, but being on the right path makes the size of her steps obsolete.  Just keep-on moving forward.

I invite you all to take heed to this unsolicited advice and just keep-on moving forward on your path to Making this ‘good’ life GREAT!



A life without struggle and pain is a life void of growth and gain.  So, count it all joy and remember as you’re going through that you’re actually “going through” and you’re destined to eventually reach the other side to usher-in the new and improved “you” with a BIG smile.  So keep-on moving.

I tried to keep it short and sweet today before you start on your way in an attempt to make your week GREAT!



Think you’ve got big problems?  Well, try getting nine of your good friends together and all of you write down your biggest problems or concerns and throw them into a hat.  Then shake the hat up real good and reach in and pick out a problem to adopt as your own.  The chances are after seeing the problem you get you’ll probably want to trade up for your own original problem back.

Yes my friends, I’ve always said that if you don’t have any problems in life, you’ve got a huge problem in life.  Problems are just a part of life and if we’re not careful those problems can make us say “Uncle” and give up on our most important goals and dreams.

Don’t let life’s problems, adversity, troubles and struggles choke your dreams and passion out of you.  Understand that your problems today are necessary for you to become better tomorrow.  So hang in there and continue to overcome one day and one problem at a time and you’ll be just fine.

Keep leaning forward and continue in your efforts to Make it GREAT!!!


I was having a casual conversation with a young friend of mine yesterday and during our chat I was reminded of what I call the “It Won’t Happen to Me” Syndrome.  A few seconds to read today just might make even more than just your day.

Over the years I’ve watched this young man grow from a pre-teen to a 22 year old handsome young adult.  After graduating from high school he decided to take a four year furlough as far away from education as he could possibly get to engage in an activity that he thought would bring him the joy he so desired.

But after a few short months away he was blindsided by a harsh reality that collided head-on with his jaded, ill-conceived expectations.  “If I would’ve really known what I was getting myself into, I would’ve never made the decision I made,” he said with a nervous smile on his face.  “The experience was absolutely nothing like I expected it to be.  Others were sharing stories of their experiences and trying to persuade me to consider furthering my education after high school, but I didn’t want to hear what they had to say.  ‘It won’t happen to me’ was my thought, but boy was I wrong, big time.”

I then expressed to him that experience is commonly referred to as being the best teacher, but listening and learning from someone else’s experience is just plain-ole’ smart.  Sometimes the answer is not to go and try it for yourself.  He agreed.

Experience over the years has taught me that when reality meets expectations, sometimes there’s a confrontation that may leave you saying, “What the heck was I thinking?”   Can I get a witness?  LOL…   😉

Yes my friends the “It Won’t Happen to Me” Syndrome has claimed many unsuspecting, intensely motivated victims the world over but don’t let it claim you.  Not today.  Don’t be afraid to consult with good counsel and listen and learn from their experiences and leverage their knowledge for your good and their pain for your gain.  This definitely can help you to prevent a lot of undue heartache while you’re attempting to Make it GREAT!

I’m not sure what the future holds for my young friend, but I’m absolutely sure of who holds the future.  A reassessment of his priorities has now been completed and a new goal has been set and appropriate action is underway for him to continue in his efforts to make this ‘good’ life, GREAT!!

Results are to be continued…   🙂

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book