Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

This may come as a bit of a shock and surprise to some of you but I must admit that a few days ago I had to perform the infamous act of “Giving Up”.

Yes that’s right folks the self-proclaimed King of Motivation, Inspiration, Education and Transformation had to succumb to committing the ultimate act.  But this “Giving Up” may be slightly different than what you think it is.

Well you see, after days of pushing through the pain and bearing all the strain of the unpredictable days of one challenge after the next in my crossfit workout group, the pressure finally got to me.  The intense pressure built up over the days of back-to-back challenges with no easy days in between finally took its toll and caused me to “Give Up” on holding back my emotions after successfully completing yet another W.O.D. (Workout Of the Day).

“Yessss!!!  WooHooooo!!!” I cried out in an abrupt release of emotion and as I looked around the room I saw nothing but familiar faces that directly identified with my struggle and triumphant victory.

Great job Cedric,” yelled Heidi followed by a solid high-five from Mandi and Kristina accompanied by an encouraging thumbs up from Ryan and BJ who were too tired for words or actions at the time.  LOL…

You see “Giving Up” on holding back emotions is a welcomed event in our Slikker-Crossfit Box and we Crazy Crossfiters completely understand that when we give it our absolute best the numbers and scores on the white board of fame can never make us a loser.

So get on out there today and don’t be afraid to completely “Give Up” on attempting to hold back that emotion of yours and scream out loud when you achieve a milestone or a hard-fought rep or round.

You may even want to consider slapping a few hands in a gesture of high-fives also.  No worries, we won’t look at you funny because we know how you feel.  🙂     Actually I’ve found myself  “Giving Up” on holding back my emotions more-and-more often now and it sure does feel good.

So keep pushing to Make it GREAT and I’ll see you at the top.

We’d be surprised at just how far we could go if we could wear a blindfold to keep us from allowing what we see with our physical eyes to distract us.  Not quitting in the face of what may appear to be insurmountable …odds can make what was once thought impossible, possible.
To that end, if this short video doesn’t get you fired up you’re dealing with some wet wood.  So, hang in there this week and DON’T QUIT!  Your applause for a job well done awaits you just a few more yards ahead.
ENJOY and Make it GREAT!
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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book