Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

I’ve discovered over the years that working in the area of one’s true passion takes your eyes off of the tic-toc of the time clock.

In fact, it appears that time even has an entirely different relationship and effect on those who are operating in their area of passion.  Time somehow appears to switch from enemy to ally and no longer is something to be dreaded or feared, but to be embraced with a sense of urgency while you still have a bit of it left.

This “passion” thing is indeed a subject that never gets old for me for I know and completely understand its importance.  So your homework for life is to find that “passion” thing if you haven’t already and engage in growing it to its full potential in service to others and watch the tic-toc of the clock change its tone and intent.

Let’s all continue in our best efforts to pursue our passions with a noble purpose and keep Making it GREAT!


Wouldn’t it be nice if when someone else is in genuine need we could do more than just pray for them?  Well this is possible when we’ve successfully got our own affairs in order.

That’s right friends, having our affairs and priorities in our own life in order turns that genuine call or cry for help from a friend or family member into a welcomed event as an opportunity for us to make a real impact.

Having the unabated ability to invest your time, talent, treasures or tears into that person who really needs you most at the time that they really need you most can be a real life saver.  Now of course not every desperate cry is authentic or worthy of your best efforts, but you’ll know the ones when they happen.  🙂

So be intentional about clearing up your own issues so that you can be ready to help others to clear up theirs when the time comes.  After all, there are few things better than actually going the extra mile in an attempt to help make someone else’s day GREAT!

So let’s continue in our noble efforts to make our lives GREAT so that we can help others to do the same.  Make it GREAT!!!


For all you leaders who have been entrusted with a big or small herd that’s loyal to you and what you do, I’d like to encourage you to continue in your efforts to do good by them.  Never lose sight of the vital importance of your role and the significance of that which you model in your own life every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

Although you are held to a much higher standard in terms of how you carry yourself, continue to understand that you’re still anything but perfect by any stretch of the imagination.  But, being transparent in your faults, failures, struggles and shortcomings can show the realistic picture that above everything else you’re still a fallible human being.  Yes my friends being seen as being “similar” is super-important as opposed to being perceived as being “special” and without flaws and imperfections.

So make sure that your herd is grazing in fields and pastures of realism and not esoteric, faultless fantasy.  We all fall short and fall down, but we all are expected to get back up and keep moving.  It’s not about how hard you get hit in this life.  It’s about how hard you can get hit and still manage to keep on going.

So don’t shy away from showing your shortcomings and ability to recover and keep on going.  One positive step at a time gets you that much closer to Making it GREAT!!! So step to it and Make it GREAT!


I just wrote this short poem for “you” today and you know who “you” are.  Enjoy…

The Cheetah and Gazelle never friends shall they be.
For a Cheetah is a Gazelle’s natural enemy.

60 miles per hour is a Gazelle’s top speed,
But a Cheetah can reach 70 if it really feels the need.

Simple math says the Cheetah should always win the race,
For it can achieve a speed that’s at a much faster pace.

But alas 1-out-of-19 is the Cheetah’s chance to succeed,
For the Gazelle has on its side a thing that helps him more than just speed.

They both have different reasons why they have to run their race.
One is running to catch-up and the other is running from being chased.

Yes the Gazelles running for its life and the Cheetahs running for a meal.
If the Cheetah fails he misses dinner, but if the Gazelle fails he gets killed.

But when the starvation starts to loom from the Cheetah’s many failed tries,
The Cheetahs motivation changes dramatically and now they’re both running for their lives.

But still the Gazelle has yet another trick that seems to help it win,
It Zigs & Zags from left to right and escapes time-and-time again.

The Cheetah must move-on to a different venue to find a weaker prey,
The Gazelles agility with speed and motivation helps it live another day.

So what’s your motivation today, what helps you to overcome?
What gets you up bright and early to the rising of the sun

Are you running from depression or a past that’s let you down?
Stay strong and keep on running and one day you’ll receive your crown.

Don’t let your past bully you into a mindset that thinks you’re done.
Get on out there again today and run, Run, RUN!!!


Great leaders are Great at modeling those actions that they want modeled in their group or organizations.  Great followers are Great at recognizing what actions it takes to make up a Great leader to follow.  Great leaders used to be Great followers under the tutelage of other Great leaders.

So as this is true, then it only makes sense that one has to be a Great Follower before they can ever dream about being a Great Leader.

Understanding this small breadcrumb of wisdom can definitely get you on your way to Making it GREAT!  So eat and go up.

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book