Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Have you ever realized that there’s only a one letter difference between those who “Fail” and those who “Sail”? Well, it’s certainly true and what I’ve come to realize is that the ones who “Sail” didn’t let the memory of their last failure bully them into a mediocre mindset of playing it safe in calm waters. The ones who “Sail” make a conscious decision repeatedly to right their ship, adjust their mast and alter their course as needed so that they will eventually reach their desired destination.

So, I encourage you today to keep on sailing and understand that the reality is that you’re actually failing your way to success because “Failure” is an unavoidable prerequisite for “true” success. So STAY THE COURSE and let’s continue in our efforts to Make it GREAT!


It just dawned on me today that truth-be-told my faith and belief is pretty weak. This is true because the more I think about it, the more I realize that it requires much more faith to believe in a miraculous, awe-inspiring universe that was actually created by a “Big Bang” then believing in a Creator that had in mind what I would refer to as a “Big Thang”.

So, call me crazy if you must but I believe in a Creator that had a “Big Thang” in mind that created the “Big Bang” and it all started with a phrase similar to, “LET THERE BE LIGHT!”

Sounds a bit farfetched? Well, sorry my faith is just a little bit too weak to believe otherwise. 🙂 Just fyi…

Make it GREAT!


Our current position in life is not an “Ooops-Accident” or haphazard event. Good, bad, happy or sad we are all where we are in this “life” thing today because of our decisions and actions yesterday and we will all be where we end up tomorrow as a result of our decisions and actions of today.

This notion has long since been based in truth but it’s pretty interesting that it appears that only people who’re currently in a position of success are the ones that don’t have a problem admitting it.

Yes my friends, it wasn’t some secondary scheme or plot or conspiracy of some mythical God’s that landed us where we are today. So I encourage you to stop merely surviving and start striving and thriving for our fate is indeed what we make, so let’s all continue choosing to Make it GREAT!


When you give byway of your good deeds through your Time, Talents, Treasures and Tears you get to experience those things in return that money can’t buy and catch a glimpse of those things that can not be seen in the absence of gestures of kindness and goodwill. Love, Peace, Joy and Happiness just to name a few will not elude you in the days ahead if you embrace this way of life as your own.

So no matter how small, an action for “Good” can create a tidal wave of “GREAT”! So don’t miss your opportunity to be a contributor for “Good” in a world that needs it now more than ever before. Please join me in answering the call and the cries of a hurting humanity and give a little love to help it heal.

Alone we can be good but together we can be absolutely GREAT! So, let’s choose to Make it GREAT!


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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book