Moving at a speed of over 186,000 miles per second, many scientists agree that light is the fastest moving element in the universe. Even faster than a speeding bullet, much more powerful than any locomotive and able to scale even the tallest of buildings in a single bound. No it’s not a bird and it’s definitely not a plane, it’s the undisputed, super-heavy weight element of the universe called “LIGHT”.
When it exploded on the scene an untold number of years ago, it immediately became the biggest and fastest element on the block of the universe. That is until today. Could there be something bigger and even faster in this great vastness of space? Hmmm…
Well, I’ve been doing that “Thinking” thing again lately and I’ve discovered something that just might be the new champion. This juggernaut is an element that nothing and no one can live without. It governs every other element in the universe and even dictates and defines life and death itself. So, what is this super-element that governs all the rest? Well, this four letter find is simply called “TIME”. So, rather it’s a wall clock with hands or an hourglass with sand, Time rules this land.
Yes that’s right friends, you can’t out run it or hide from it. You can’t slow it down or speed it up. Even the speed of light fails to exhaust its boundaries. It governs our world and even our very existence.
So a good question today is, “How are you leveraging yours?” You see, every living being only has a finite amount of it this side of the universe and the thing that distinguishes the “good” from the “GREAT” is what we decide to do with it while we still have a bit of it left.
So, I encourage you to read between the lines on this one and “Do Something B.I.G.” (B-efore I-t’s G-one) Let’s take this “TIME” thing and Make it GREAT!!!