Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Would it surprise you if I told you that you’re the Tylenol and Motrin for somebody else’s Aches and Pains in life? Or would you be shocked if I said that your story and testimony of overcoming and becoming someone better today than you were yesterday is fit for the ears of someone who’s in desperate need to hear a resounding voice of hope?

Well, don’t be surprised or shocked because it’s actually true. Our past experiences does in fact qualify us to be some form of relief to others who are having to endure similar situations and circumstances that we’ve gone through.

So, as this is true, I encourage you today NOT to waste your past test but to turn it into your testimony. Leverage your past mess and make it a compelling message. And, take your past breakdown and show others how you made it into a breakthrough.

Yes my friends the world needs us now more than ever before to step-up and step-into our roles and play them to Oscar-caliber for the sake of others. So I say, “BRAVO!” in advance to those who will answer the call to give it their all.

Now let’s go Make it GREAT!


My Wednesday Warning of Wisdom for you is a friendly reminder and although I may have said this before in the past, it definitely bears repeating that our most formidable “Enemy” will be our “Inner-Me”.

That’s right friends, our “Inner-Me” knows all of our weaknesses and keeps extremely accurate records of our faults, failures and fears and won’t think twice about leveraging them to keep things at an unchanged, predictable status quo. So, be sure to install some great daily disciplines that keeps that “Inner-Me” of yours at bay and keeps you moving in the direction of the results you desire.

Let’s Make it GREAT!


Was on my way to an appointment today and happened to glance over at the woman in the car next to me and noticed the look on her face was one that could have said many things about her but none were good. Naturally this incident got me to thinking and of course you know what comes next when that happens. Yep, I just have to write something about it.

Ever heard the phrase, “It’s written all over your face”? Well, the truth is our candid facial expression can tell a lot about the life we’ve lived or the day we’re having, and just-so-happened most candid expressions tend to be a bit melancholy. In fact, I’ve found that in most cases it takes an intentional effort for our facial expression to display joy and happiness when we’re in a relaxed state. But I submit that when we make an effort to intentionally smile on a regular basis, we will eventually find that we have more things to smile about.

So for those of you who are enduring some troubles and struggles at this time in your life, be encouraged and advised today that you may be pressed, but you’re not crushed. You may be persecuted but never are you abandoned. You may be hurt a bit but you’re not hopeless and you may feel assaulted or attacked but never, ever are you alienated or annihilated.

Hang in there my friend and practice flexing your smile muscles on a regular basis throughout the day and watch the magic happen in your life. It works for me…

Let’s Make it GREAT!!! 😉


Hey, I just realized that yesterday was Friday the 13th. Whoa!!! I forgot to worry about bad stuff happening…. Hey, you know what, that’s not a bad strategy to use in life. Now, if we could just make ourselves forget to worry about things that could possibly go wrong and live fearlessly in the “Now”, that would be AWESOME!

Well, now I have a new strategy to practice. Dare to join me as I attempt to Make each day GREAT by forgetting to worry about the unpredictable future! LOL 😉

No Worrying in advance allowed. 😉


Well, I was up a little late last night and you know what that means. Yep, I wrote another poem that is sure to speak to somebody out there in cyberspace. Enjoy and don’t be afraid to pass it on:

Please lend me an ear all parents far and near and take a peek at what I’ve seen.
In a world full of truance and kids greatest influence is now radios and video screens.

But this notion shouldn’t shock you, knock you or rock you, nor should it come as a surprise.
How the media’s prominence is asserting its dominance and controlling our kid’s minds and lives.

The biggest clear and present danger is not coming from strangers abroad with terrorist like Al-Qaida and ISIS,
It’s the information being viewed and downloaded from Youtube on our kid’s electronic devices.

They retreat to bedrooms and online chat-rooms for private-time with their electronic friends,
This opens the door of their minds and much more for corruption that starts from within.

The things that they hear through their I-pods so clear soon will flow from their head to their heart.
And the things that they see on their phones and TV’s can deceive them and set them apart.

For Example…

The songs now-a-days that the radio plays makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck,
With the words the artist say and the actions they display it’s no wonder many kids have no respect.

And you absentee fathers that don’t even bother because you have more important things to do.
Don’t worry my friends for the media will gladly step in and be that surrogate replacement for you.

Media comes in many shapes, sizes and colors and now access is in the palm of their hands.
But when access becomes excess they may fail at their best test which is “life” and they won’t stand a chance.

This may be a bit harsh but I want to use my voice to put others on notice and act as a warning.
Now a change can be made but it may take several days, start now and don’t wait till the morning.

So you fathers and mothers and big sisters and brothers take heed to my short little rhyme.
Influence can be fleeting with the media competing so stay involved because you can’t get back the time.

Let’s stay relevant in our kid’s lives by staying involved and our influence just may last a lifetime. Let’s Make it GREAT!!!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book