Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Before calling it a night, I’d like to take this opportunity to say congratulations to all of you who feel like you’ve had a productive day today in every way. And, for those of you who feel as if though you fell a little bit short of your goals today, I caution you NOT to beat yourself up but to lift yourself up and wake up tomorrow and take another swing at it.

Good luck in advance with Making it GREAT on your next calendar date. 😉


Over the years I’ve come to the realization that in this “life” thing we will all experience different kinds of failures and even if we’re fortunate enough to duck & dodge and tip-toe our way through this life managing to avoid failure, then we still will have “failed” to actually live.

So it’s fair to say that there’s really no safe position in life that’s void of exposure to the “Big- F” called Failure. So, please don’t be duped by those who may suggest otherwise. The way I see it is failure is essential to life itself because if there was no failure, how then would we realize and recognize success? Hmmm…

I invite you to chew on this little breadcrumb of wisdom a bit before rolling into your new week and as always, be sure to Make it GREAT!


I fell into some old, time-wasting, unproductive habits and lost a good portion of my time yesterday but today I will win again, PERIOD!

Yes my friends, truth be told we all have a proverbial “thorn or thorns” that can distract us and keep us in need of a little bit of grace and mercy from time-to-time and I’m definitely not foolish enough to pretend that I’m some type of exception. Yes indeed, to be perfectly honesty, sometimes I loss and sometimes I win.

The good news is that over the years I’ve gotten reallllly good at winning most of the time and I can put long distances of days, weeks, months and even years between some of my losses and I’m happy to say that although I may loss sometime, never am I defeated. Why? Well, it’s simply because being defeated means that you made a choice to stay in the “Loss”, and believe or not even NOT making a choice is actually making a choice.

Yes indeed my friends we will fall down in this “life” thing but we have to continue to make a conscious decision to get back up and run again to win. I’m convinced that our Creator delights in the comeback stories of our lives. So may my transparency today be a sign for you, You and each of YOU within eye-shot and ear-shot of my written words that to error is to be human and he or she who says otherwise or proclaims to be without flaws or hang-ups is two-kinds-of-crazy and three-kinds-of-foolish.

It’s ok that we may at times fall, drop, fail or flop. The thing that makes the difference is whether or not we stay in the setback. The great speaker Willie Jolley once said, “A Setback is just a setup for a comeback.” But, I think my friend Apostle Paul said it best when he wrote in my favorite book called “The Bible” his encouraging, reaffirming words hundreds of years ago to a group of people from Corinth to inspire and encourage them to boast all the more in their weaknesses for it is then that they can become stronger through the help of the one who created us all. (2 Corinthians 12: 7-10)

So, “GET BACK UP!” I say and get back into your race because someone is quietly counting on you to WIN much more than you loss! So, let’s keep pushing to Make it GREAT!!!

It’s a GREAT DAY to WIN again!!!


Of all the extremely impoverished places I‘ve had the opportunity to visit in my lifetime, from the dirt-hut houses of Rwanda to the cardboard box tents of the favela’s in the slum areas of Mexico, the one thing that I’ve been able to observe first hand is that money truly can’t buy the most essential things needed for a joy-filled life.

Yes my friends, genuine joy and authentic happiness with big smiles of fun can come from even the poorest of the poor in spite of their situations and circumstances which is proof-positive of how overrated the dependency of the all-mighty-dollar is as it relates to producing enjoyment in this life.

Money can buy us a house but NOT happiness. Money can buy us a car but NOT a clear conscious. Money can buy us a big popular party but NOT peace of mind. And, money can pay our bills but it can’t make us pay attention to what really matters most in this “Life” thing. So we must be careful NOT to be duped into believing the lie of what money can buy.

Just a little friendly reminder as you continue on your unpopular journey to Making it GREAT!


On this Magnificent Monday may the special descriptive word used to describe your metamorphic change from who you once were to who you are now be “WOW”! May the most common feeling experienced by those who witnessed the positive change in you be one of disbelief. And finally, may the words “I Did It!!!” be the words you use to enthusiastically represent your victorious moment in the sun after you’ve overcame and became that person that you wanted to be.

Yes my friends my vision for your unfolding future is indeed as bright as the mid-day sun in the month of May. So be encouraged today as you go on your way and be sure to make this “good” life “GREAT”!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book