Don’t be surprised if the biggest bully in your life ends up being the memory of your last failure.
The time you said you would change,
But still went back to doing the same-ole-thang.
The time you set that elusive goal,
But your new disciplines quickly got old.
The time you said you would lose that weight,
But your old habits were just too hard to break.
And the time you said, “Never again.”
But your “Never” changed after you were back around your old friends.
Yes my friends, the memory of our last fall, fumble or failure can be a HUGE BULLY in our lives causing us to never want to take risk or try again. But I would like to encourage you this Thankful Thursday to get back up again and stand up to that big bully of failure.
The greatest goal achievers in life didn’t do so in the absence of failure, they did so in spite of the failure. So, get back on that horse and try, Try, TRY again until you reach the results you seek and Make it GREAT!
And of course, it’s always OK to share if you dare. 😉
Site: MrMakeItGreat.com
Blog: MrBreadCrumb.com
Store: TheInspirationStore.com