Ah, Ah, Ah, Ahhh… Don’t you even think about it. I know you thought about it recently but I’m not gonna let it happen. “Thought about what?” you may ask. Well, the chances are you thought about throwing in the towel or saying “Uncle” and quitting on that goal or dream you set for yourself a while ago but I’m not gonna let it happen. Not on my watch.
There are some days that you just “don’t fell like it” or the “No’s” and the “No Show’s” are starting to get to you. But take heart my friends and know that this is just part of the process.
So, you gotta ask yourself the serious question of “How many No’s and No Show’s are you willing to take to make it great?” Exactly how many No’s are you willing to endure to get your “Yes”?
Hang-on in there and be sure to set your number high and find a good reason why that makes you cry. Now let’s go Make it GREAT!