Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Ok, here’s my latest news bulletin-invitation for the week:

Please consider joining us in filing an official restraining order against Drama & Negativity this week. So, for those of you who’re that, keep your distance and STAY BACK! 🙂

That’s right my friends we need to start filing charges against some of these Energy Vampires & Negative Nancy’s that are attempting to create a vortex of suckage in our immediate space. So, keep my personal space clear and don’t stop over here, just keep it moving over there and elsewhere. Yes, we’re attempting to keep our space free of drama & debris and negativity.

So, please join me in claiming your stake to Make it GREAT, Drama FREE with No NEGATIVITY!!!

GREAT WEEK Young Grasshoppers!!!

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This life has shown me that the three toughest things to say in the English language are, “I’m sorry, Forgive me & I was wrong.”

Yes that’s right my friends, these three phrases may be short in length but are long on intimidation. Maybe it’s because saying these words can make us feel vulnerable or somehow suggest that we’re weak or inept.

Well, whatever the case, I think that we can all agree that these words are grossly underused nowadays and the world could sure benefit from a substantial increase of their usage.

To that end, I’ll go first… I’m sorry, please forgive me because I was wrong. Ahhh… The pleasant surprise is that these words can actually make the person saying them feel a sense of relief and liberation. So, don’t be afraid to try it sometime. This is definitely a valuable Breadcrumb to Making it GREAT!


And, of course it’s always Ok to share if you dare.

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If you were charged with demonstrating kindness, compassion & positive actions to your fellow-woman and fellow-man would you be found guilty or released because of lack of evidence? Hmmm… Please don’t answer this question out loud, just take the proper action-steps and make us all proud and stand out from the crowd and live it out loud.

That’s right my friends, kindness and compassion need feet, faces and hands. So, hopefully we can count on you to join our crew to see this “life” thing through in all that you say & do.

Looks like I’m gonna need a really good Defense Attorney because the evidence against me being guilty is pretty strong. LOL 😉

So, no need to save the date, start now Making it GREAT in every state with no debate because the needy can’t wait.

Oh… And, of course you can feel free to share if you dare… 😉

GREAT DAY is Underway!!!!!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book