The Deeds & Doings of our everyday
Reveals a Tug-of-War that’s constantly at play.
One between Evil & Good,
And Shouldn’t & Should.
The Good & The Bad,
The Have & The Had.
The Nasty & The Nice,
The Cost & The Price.
Between More & Between Less,
And Average & BEST!
The Happy & The Sad,
The Content & The Mad.
And even the Wrong & The Right,
And the Giving up & The Fight.
The Do & The Don’t
The Will & The Won’t
The Excuse Makers & Fakers,
And The Movers & Shakers.
And Finally, The Fast & The Slow,
And Those who will Stay & Those who will GO!!!
Yes my friends, the Tug-of-War wages on from dusk to dawn and we will win some and lose some but may our wins continue to out-way our loses every day of the week and twice on Sundays as we continue in our unwavering efforts to make this “good” life GREAT!