One of the biggest well-intentioned lies I’ve ever been told in my business career is that I would eventually accomplish my goals & dreams if I just didn’t quit. Sounds familiar?
Well, I invite you to consider that although those people were sincere in their message to me, they were also sincerely wrong. Well, maybe not “Wrong” but at least a little short on the complete truth.
Yes my friends, even though they had good intentions and meant me well, they inadvertently left out one of the BIGGEST details that has to be embraced during the whole “No Quitting” process.
This detail is soooo extremely important that no matter what your biggest goals and objectives are, you may find yourself falling short and suffering the same fate as millions, if not billions of others who have come before you if you ignore this detail.
So, what is this BIG detail that is the difference maker and pattern breaker when it comes to achieving MASSIVE SUCCESS in any given space or business endeavor?
Well my friends, along with committing NOT to quit or give up, we also have to commit to take daily actions that will help us to know better, be better, grow better and see better.
Yes that’s right my friends, we have to make an additional ironclad commitment to educate our minds and transformate our thoughts to develop & evolve overtime into that person that we need to be in order for us to see that which we need to see.
Simply put: Committing to never quit is NOT enough, we have to also commit to KNOW MORE & GROW MORE along the way. This is indeed a valuable Bread Crumb to Making it GREAT!
My Book: MakeItGreatNOW.com
My Site: MrMakeItGreat.com
My Blog: MrBreadCrumb.com