I was having a great conversation with my dad this morning and he reminded my that in the eyes of many we’re only as good as our last favor.  My dad is always good for making statements like this so I wasn’t really surprised when he said it.  But I was surprised how shocking this can be in the moments you experience it first hand.  I must admit there’s nothing shorter in life than the memory’s of those who spend it with their hands out asking for favors.  The last favor tends to fade from their memory rather quickly.  Hmmmm… 

I’m reminded of the words of the late, great 35th President, John F. Kennedy when he said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”  Profound words that were so simple yet carried so much weight.  I believe we shouldn’t stumble through this life looking for favors, hand-outs and for what others can do for us, but we should find ways to do for others, for it is true that it is far better to be a giver than to be a receiver of those who are willing to give.  

Yes, I understand that most people tend to have short memories and are oftentimes stuck on a “What have you done for me lately?” mode of thinking.  But, the statement and belief that, “We’re only as good as our last favor,” should never be acceptable.  So, don’t make the mistake of letting your actions justify this statement and belief.  

Our communities are in dire need of servant-leaders who aren’t afraid to step up and step out to lead the charge in showing and modeling to others what it means to be a giver of ones time, talents, treasures and tears.  Let us not be guilty of “knowing it” but not “showing it.” 

So, what have you done for someone else lately?  What are you prepared to do today to make someone else’s day great?  No need to answer out loud, just “show me” and make me proud.

This is definitely a breadcrumb to making it Great.

My Book    “Make it GREAT”


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