As a kid I was always told to make sure I knew my ABC’s. Now as an adult, I’m warning you to avoid the ABC’s like the plague.
The adult ABC’s are Anger, Bitterness and Complacency. These three partners-in-crime have been known to ruin even the best of men and women this side of the universe. Keeping these three characters in check is a full time job because just when you think you’ve got them under control, they can resurface with a vengeance and threaten to corrupt all you hold dear.
Remember “Anger” is just one letter from “Danger.“ “Bitterness” is the spite from the bite-of-betrayal, and the deceptive purr from the cat of “Complacency” can lull you into a life of mediocrity. Yes, these ABC’s on the surface may seem a bit benign, but WARNING, these three are as malignant as they come and if left unchecked, they can quickly develop into a full-blown, stage-four joy-killer and life-stealer. Don’t let them sneak-up and add you to their infamous list of victims. Not today.
I encourage you to know your ABC’s well and avoid them at all cost. This too is definitely a breadcrumb that can help you to Make it GREAT!
Today is the first day of the new and improved you, and tomorrow it will be too. I would love to make my book a part of your journey.
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