When you laugh, be sure to laugh out loud because genuine laughter is contagious and someone around you needs to be positively infected.
That’s right folks, just like an involuntary yawn from one person can spark a chain reaction with others who notice it, so too is a spontaneous smile or burst of genuine laughter equally as chain reactive.
I’ve also discovered that it’s extremely hard to smile and laugh and experience anger, sorrow and depression at the same time. So, if you want to bust up an unwelcomed, somber mood, just try tuning into something that makes you smile and laugh and then share that joy and laughter with someone or someone’s around you. This is indeed an awesome breadcrumb to making it GREAT!
So, laugh out loud and make someone else smile. They’ll be glad you did.
My Book: www.MakeItGreatNOW.com
My Blog: www.MrBreadCrumb.com
My Website: www.CedricCrawford.com