I’ve come to realize that in life we’re all running a race against the king of all marathons. This runner has a distinct advantage against anyone who dares to lace-up a pair of shoes and dawn the track of life.
This juggernaut of an opponent has never, and never will be beat. It actually even appears as if it was created specifically to run and not be weary. It treats its race like a job and runs it without passion or prejudice. It takes no prisoners, shows no mercy and makes no apologies for its actions.
So, who is this mountain of a competitor that never says die and holds the undisputed title of never slowing down or stopping for even the slightest catch of its breath? Well, it’s quite simply good-ole’ TIME.
That’s right folks. Time waits on no man, woman, cat, dog, boy, girl, horse or frog. Time just keeps on running and never does it lose its wind. Time can be a lot of things, but recyclable it is not. No do-over’s this side of the universe, so get busy and don’t wait to make it GREAT!
My Book: www.MakeItGreatNOW.com
My Blog: www.MrBreadCrumb.com
My Website: www.CedricCrawford.com