So my 4th grader Chayse-Marie gets out of bed this morning and heads over to her white marker board to change todays date. Then I hear, “Ughhh!!! Dad! It’s Friday the 13th!!!” Then I spontaneously yelled back, “YAYYYY!!!” Caught off guard by my response she then says, “Dad… that’s not a good thing.”
I then simply told her, “The day is what you decide baby-girl. People have told you that this day is one of misfortune and bad luck but you don’t have to accept that as your reality. You can decide to make this day a Great day no matter what date is on the calendar.” She thought for a few seconds then said, “Ok…” and trotted off to the bathroom with a big-ole’ cool-aid smile on her face.
I must admit that I never get tired of experiencing these little teachable moments of opportunity with my little shorties. The day really is what we decide.
We must not be so easily duped into adopting those many rituals of society that do not serve our positive purpose. It really is our choice, so be sure to choose wisely.
I hope that you would continue to choose to make it GREAT every day of the week and twice on Fridays. Even if it’s Friday the 13th. 🙂
And always remember that what’s focused on most develops in the host. So choose to focus on positive outcomes for your day and Make it GREAT!
Have a Fantastic Friday!!!