For all you leaders who have been entrusted with a big or small herd that’s loyal to you and what you do, I’d like to encourage you to continue in your efforts to do good by them. Never lose sight of the vital importance of your role and the significance of that which you model in your own life every day of the week and twice on Sundays.
Although you are held to a much higher standard in terms of how you carry yourself, continue to understand that you’re still anything but perfect by any stretch of the imagination. But, being transparent in your faults, failures, struggles and shortcomings can show the realistic picture that above everything else you’re still a fallible human being. Yes my friends being seen as being “similar” is super-important as opposed to being perceived as being “special” and without flaws and imperfections.
So make sure that your herd is grazing in fields and pastures of realism and not esoteric, faultless fantasy. We all fall short and fall down, but we all are expected to get back up and keep moving. It’s not about how hard you get hit in this life. It’s about how hard you can get hit and still manage to keep on going.
So don’t shy away from showing your shortcomings and ability to recover and keep on going. One positive step at a time gets you that much closer to Making it GREAT!!! So step to it and Make it GREAT!