Wouldn’t it be nice if when someone else is in genuine need we could do more than just pray for them? Well this is possible when we’ve successfully got our own affairs in order.
That’s right friends, having our affairs and priorities in our own life in order turns that genuine call or cry for help from a friend or family member into a welcomed event as an opportunity for us to make a real impact.
Having the unabated ability to invest your time, talent, treasures or tears into that person who really needs you most at the time that they really need you most can be a real life saver. Now of course not every desperate cry is authentic or worthy of your best efforts, but you’ll know the ones when they happen. 🙂
So be intentional about clearing up your own issues so that you can be ready to help others to clear up theirs when the time comes. After all, there are few things better than actually going the extra mile in an attempt to help make someone else’s day GREAT!
So let’s continue in our noble efforts to make our lives GREAT so that we can help others to do the same. Make it GREAT!!!