Over the years I’ve continued to read a variety of different content and watch and listen to a myriad of different speakers and I’ve realized a few irrefutable facts that have given me a bit more clarity as it relates to the spoken and written word and the actions of people.

These irrefutable facts that I’ve realized and recognized have all been categorized under a philosophy that I call “Just Because” and I invite you to take a quick peek at my findings. Here goes:

“Just because” someone took the time and effort to write something down doesn’t automatically mean that it is accurate and valid. “Just because” someone is speaking words from a perceived position of authority doesn’t’ automatically mean that the words they’re speaking are accurate and true. And, “just because” many people are choosing to engage in specific actions doesn’t automatically mean that those actions are right.

I invite you to consider the fact that we all have been endowed by our Creator and given independent thought and the natural ability to reason and discern what has the “ring-of-truth” and those who ever try to take that ability away from you should always be looked upon with an eye of scrutiny as to their real intentions. The scary reality is that the day we give these endowments and abilities up is the day that we give-way to the rise of slavery, servitude and oppression at the hands of another who is our equal.

To that end, I encourage you to hold-fast to your rights and ability to think independently and listen for the distinctive “ring-of-truth”. In a world that’s becoming more and more filled with informational noise and written chaos, we have to commit to never relinquish our God-given endowment to discern truth for ourselves no matter what the cost. So go ahead and “trust” but don’t be afraid to “verify”, and never ever forget that righteous and just actions may not always be popular and the most popular actions may not always be righteous and just.

Don’t expect the adoption of this philosophy to win you any new friends because in some cases and circumstances it can be a bit controversial, but I encourage you to do it anyway, “just because” it’s your right. Simply put, don’t be afraid to question the message or the messenger even if that message is coming from me. 🙂

Let’s keep leaning forward and continue in our noble efforts to Make it GREAT!



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