I’m not sure who needs to hear this from me today, but here goes:
Sometimes the toughest choice to make and the right choice to make is actually the same choice. So, even if it makes you cry and lose both your sleep and will to eat and even quite possibly land you on the streets, understand that sometimes you have to be willing to take a couple of tough steps backwards before you can take a few gigantic leaps forward.
Although I may not know you, I do know that you were custom designed for a challenge such as this because if our Creator couldn’t get you through it, He wouldn’t have brought you to it. So, you can and will overcome and become something even more special because that’s just what you were designed for. Yep, it’s in your DNA (Design of Natural Ability).
So, it may not be pretty but so what. Go ahead and let those tears flow and prepare to grow for this I know, soon forward you shall go. Pray it out, Cry it out, then Move-on out to your new territory and be encouraged as you boldly pull the trigger on that difficult choice and start immediately preparing to rebound with a renewed confidence and resolve to Make it GREAT NO MATTER WHAT!!! You got this…. Make it GREAT!!! 😉