I was hanging out in the Hollywood Hills of Southern California the other day at the world famous Griffith Observatory with my favorite little 10-year-old and I had one of what I call my “Hallelujah Moments of Clarity” that I think you may find some interest or value in.
While touring the facility we were able to gaze at the infinite universe and marvel at the awe-inspiring wonder that it holds. Then I was reminded by our tour guide that when we look up to the skies everything we see has already happened. That’s right friends, everything we see when we look up has already happened and is in the past because light has to travel extremely long distances to reach our eyes for us to see objects in space.
Then it happened, my “Hallelujah Moment of Clarity”. Here it goes: If everything we see is made possible by the reflection of light, then everything we see when our eyes are open is actually the past. No matter near or far away, what we see with our eyes open is a delay of what used to be. Hmmm… I know this is pretty deep for some of you, but get out your scuba-gear because it gets a little bit deeper.
It now seems clear to me that if opening our eyes gives us a view of the past, then closing our eyes is where we can get our glimpse of the future. That’s right folks, closing our eyes allows for us to construct visions of what we want to see and be when we have them open. Hmmm… Simply put, the past that we see when our eyes are open can be constructed by the visions we create when our eyes are closed. Now that’s deeeeep… 🙂
I must admit that I didn’t expect to walk away from a 5th-Grade field trip with such an epiphany, but this is yet another example of what you can see and hear if you just pay attention to what’s happening around you.
So I have a new phrase now: Closing your eyes to meditate can take you from “good” to Making it GREAT! LOL
Let’s choose to Make it GREAT!!!