Well, it’s official! I just filed my first official restraining order. “Against whom?” you might ask. Well, it’s really not a specific “Whom”. It’s more of a collective “What” and that “What” is called “Negativity”.
Yes that’s right folks, all of those Negative-Nancy’s & Harmful-Harry’s out there need to keep a safe distance of at least 100 feet away from me or run the risk of being splashed in the face with a huge dose of positivity from Mr. Make-it-GREAT himself. 🙂
Here’s a quick tip for those who find that the above description fits them a bit:
When it comes to being a loving, kind, encouraging and compassionate person, it’s okay to “fake it ’til you make it”. That’s right my friends, if you’re an old sourpuss, pessimistic Debbie-Downer or Larry-Loser that finds it hard to say or do anything positive or uplifting for others, then start pretending you’re someone else with positive traits.
As a professional positive person I must warn you that being positive may hurt a bit at first but eventually it gets easier to do. Commit to do a little bit of this on a daily basis and don’t be surprised when you eventually start to find that you’re becoming that new and improved positive person that other people gravitate to and genuinely like being around.
Now get on out there and “fake it ’til you make it” and Make it GREAT!!! We’re counting on you to join the encouragement crew.