Lack of this one thing has claimed the goals, dreams and the grandest aspirations of an untold number of individuals both young and not-so-young the world over. It’s antagonist-kryptonite and biggest formidable foe by far has to be a cunning creature called “distractions” and while many have found it quite easy to obtain, only a faithful few have found it easy to sustain.
So what is this thing that claims our dream? Well, it’s the lack of “Focus”. Yes that’s right my friends, being able to stay laser focused through the fire and the fog of life’s adversity and difficulty is not just a walk in the park, it’s more like a sprint through the minefield.
So I encourage you in the days ahead to get clear on why you’re here and have no fear as you focus and steer clear of those distractions both far and near on your way to achieving the results that you desire most and be sure to Make it GREAT!!!
And never forget that: What’s focused on most, develops in the host.
Always Ok to share if you dare. 🙂
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Store: TheInspirationStore.com