Have you ever been tempted to stop praying for someone because their actions and behavior continues to show that they have no real intent to get better, do better, see better or be better? Hmmm…
Well, truth be told, I have experienced this first hand on a few different occasions in my life but my true colors of kindness and compassion continue to bleed through no matter what I do and keep me on my knees to intercede . But, I must admit that it is exhausting at times to say the least, yet I persist until that change comes.
Yes my friends we do-gooders must never tire of doing good because if not me and you, then who? Truly there are none so blind than those who choose NOT to see and none so lost than those who choose NOT to be found. So, in spite of what others do or say or display, let’s continue to love and pray every day because He showed us the way.
Simply put: May your true colors of kindness and compassion continue to bleed through in all that you say and do.
Let’s Make it an AWESOME Week!!!