I was just thinking that wouldn’t it be Great if we all had our expiration dates marked behind our left ear like a milk carton so we would know how much time we had left before we expire.
Or wouldn’t it be even Greater if we could easily tell if a person was real or fake by just holding them up to the light like a hundred dollar bill.
Or even better, wouldn’t it be the absolute Greatest if our beloved cellphones had a special App that could easily tell us what our true area of passion was so we wouldn’t just settle into a mediocre, passionless existence. Hmmm…
I think it’s fair to say that none of the above things are likely to happen, but finding ones true area of passion doesn’t require an App. It requires attention and intention and can lead to prevention. Yep that’s right my friends, paying attention to what makes you come alive and intentionally following a path to making that thing Great is the key to being all you can be in this “life” thing and preventing you from just settling for average and mediocre. It can also make for an even better world we live in.
So, let’s NOT just settle for being ok to just “get by” in this “life” thing. Let’s find and follow that thing that makes us strive, thrive and come alive with passion and Make it GREAT!