Overcoming defeat starts with your belief, overcoming fear starts with what you hear, and getting through a rough day starts with what you say when you pray.
That’s right friends, your core belief and what you’re listening to daily and the words you say when/if you pray can and will make the difference in your overcoming todays challenges and tomorrows changes.
So pay close attention to this breadcrumb of wisdom today going forward and recommit to being more intentional about what you listen to, pray about and believe in. No doubt adopting this philosophy as your own can lead you to making ‘it’ GREAT whatever ‘it’ is for you.
So let it marinade then chew on this thought a bit today and let’s make this day so awesome that yesterday gets insanely jealous. 😉
www.MrBreadCrumb.com (my blog)
www.MakeItGreatNOW.com (my book)