Was chatting with a good friend of mine yesterday and she was sharing with me how frustrated she gets when people start spouting off about how bad “money” is.
Being a very successful business owner, she has found that challenging people’s perception and mindset about money has been her biggest challenge and source of tension to-date, especially many of us in the Faith-based Community. It’s almost as if being in a poverty situation grants a person a pass and immunity against scorn and ridicule.
I quickly reassured her that money is neither “good” nor “bad”, and that there is no need to feel like she has to apologize for her abundance and success. After all, taking a vow of poverty on earth doesn’t automatically make us worthy of heaven.
Simply put: Money is just a tool and just as with any other tool, money can also be leveraged to do “Good” or “Not-so-Good” deeds in a world full of struggles and troubles.
So, I encourage you to go make your dollars, but make a difference. Make your income, but make your impact. And, go make a profit out of your passion, but make your proclamation to empower others to do the same. Do these things without shame and don’t be so quick to allow the outside voices of others to become your inner-voice of guilt.
So, keep your head-up straight and Make it GREAT!!!
Ok to share if you dare… 😉
My Book: MakeItGreatNOW.com
My Site: MrMakeItGreat.com
My Blog: MrBreadCrumb.com
My Store: TheInspirationStore.com