I invite you to consider the following on this Magnificent Monday: Knowing your passion and not following it is the exact same as not knowing what your passion is. Finding your gift of greatness and not using it is the exact same as not finding it.
Yes we all have a special gift that was placed inside of us at birth for us to be great at something. We can be good at a lot of things and mediocre at even more things but I believe that we were uniquely designed to be great at at least one thing. Some of us have even been blessed with the ability to be great at two or three things. But the unfortunate tragedy is “most people” go through their life and never find their passion or their gift of greatness and some don’t even bother looking.
So the question today is quite simple, “What about you?” Will you choose to be counted amongst the millions or even billions of others who settle for good and miss out on the great? Or, will you choose to be counted amongst the thousands who’ve leveraged their gift of greatness and passion for a cause that makes this world a much better place?
For “Most People” this post will never be read and for some it will be read and discarded as just another empty call to action in the noise of the internet that will go ignored without anyone ever knowing that it reached their eyes and ears. But my prayer today is that it will reach You, whoever “You” are and it will be that spark that you need that reignites that fire inside of you and pushes you to find and exploit your hidden passion and gift of greatness for the good of this land and your community. The choice is and always will be only yours, so choose wisely what action or inaction you will take. Choose today because tomorrow never comes.
Oh and don’t forget that it’s never too late to make it GREAT!
“Most People?”