I was having an interesting PC (Power-Chat) with a good friend the other day and he commented that he couldn’t understand why my social media and blog post rarely seem to get many comments or “likes”. My comment to him left him a bit spun-out and speechless but still nodding his head in agreement.
I simply advised him that any media that’s void of what I call the “4-C’s and excessive V” will always struggle to capture people’s time and attention but that we can’t measure the validity of what we do by the yardstick of acknowledgement, appreciation and approbation of man. If we do, we’re setting ourselves up for huge heartbreak and massive disappointment.
So what is this “4-C’s and excessive V” thing all about? Well, it’s quite simply Criticism, Complaining, Condemnation, Controversy and excessive Vanity.
It’s no secret that negative news, drama and visual eye-candy has been and always will be attention grabbers and headline nabbers. The old notion that “Sex Sells” and “Drama Delivers Dollars” unfortunately will never be completely eradicated from our society for it seems to satisfy an urge, desire and internal-subtle craving that’s at the inner-most core of who we are as human beings. Fighting against this norm can definitely be an uphill battle but the unpopular task is both noble and necessary.
So I continue to press forward controversy free in my efforts to be the exception in spite of the lack of facebook “likes” and blog comment spikes and I invite you to join me in committing to keep the media airwaves and internet highways free of the “4-C’s and excessive V” on our way to Making it GREAT!
AWESOME WEEKEND my friends!!!