No intersection on this great planet of ours has more catastrophic accidents then the intersection where Expectations meet REALITY!
That’s right folks, you may expect some sort of action or inaction from someone or something, but please don’t get crazy and freak-out when or if it doesn’t happen quite like you expected it to. Realize that this is just part of the deal of life. So just improvise, adjust and adapt, then move on.
This life has taught me that most people mean well, but may have a little bit of trouble with the “follow-up” and “follow-through” parts of life. So it’s in our best interest to just continue to love-on-them in spite of this shortcoming and make sure that we always leave room for Plan-B adjustments and a pocket full of forgiveness.
This breadcrumb of wisdom can definitely help us to avoid a catastrophic collision or crisis and lead us to Making it GREAT!