Energy VampiresWarning!!!  I would like to issue an APB (All-Points-Bulletin) that Energy Vampires have been once again spotted among us all.  They’re on the loose on our jobs, in our communities and even in our churches.

Not all of them have visible horns with sharp fangs and wear black capes under cover of darkness, but they can be equally as deadly in their methods and unsavory, malicious tactics.  They’re not only great at sucking the life and energy out of the room, but if you’re not careful, they may also manage to suck the life and energy out of you.  I’m sure we’ve all seen them before because they come in all shapes, sizes, shades, colors, kinds and creeds.

Yes my friends, be on the lookout and keep your stakes razor sharp and your holy water at the ready because your encounter is no doubt coming sooner-or-later.  Don’t fall victim to the flagrant language and reckless behavior and disregard for the feelings of others exhibited by these Energy Vampires.  Instead, keep your mind renewed and refreshed and ready to resist such an encounter.  Many unsuspecting, would-be victims may be secretly counting on you to diffuse such a moment where an Energy Vampire is on a reckless rampage.  So don’t let them down.  Not today.

So, my good word to you today is, “Don’t get ready for battle, stay ready.”  Be prepared to save the day and make it GREAT!

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