If I would have known back in 1982 that this picture of me as an 11-year-old would end up being viewed by several thousand people all over a thing called the “internet” I would’ve worn a better shirt.  Well, actually that was my favorite shirt back then so I don’t know if I could’ve done any better, LOL.

Yes my friends, that little guy was a dreamer back then and as you can see, not much has changed today.  Many have asked “How long did it take you to write this book?” and of course my response is, “41 years!

No, I’m not anything special but the process of change I’ve gone through over the years is second to few.  The roller coaster ride of life has taken me to “wildest dreams” heights and the lowest of lows and have left me with umpteen lessons learned, tables turned and experience earned.

This book will knock your socks off and then help you to put them back on again properly.  No one is more excited about its release than I am because I know what it’s going to do for the reader.  I can’t wait for you to get it into your hands.  I personally am finding it hard to put down myself.

There’s really too much to say about the content within this book, so, in short I’ll just say that you can definitely expect to be made T.A.L.L. while reading it, which stands for Think, Act, Laugh and Learn.

Don’t like reading… Well, no worries my friend, this book was written specifically with you in mind.  Hence the term “Bread Crumbs.

It’s not too late to pre-order your copy today and cash-in on the FREE bonuses, which include an autographed copy and one of my audio “I.M.Packed” (Impact) CD’s that’s “Packed” with “Inspiration” and “Motivation.”  You get this and a surprise bonus that’s guaranteed to keep you more focused on your goals and dreams daily while others get distracted.

The day we give Thanks was the most appropriate day I could choose for release because I have sooooo much to be thankful and grateful for.  In fact, we all do.  So, let’s continue on our non-stop mission.  I invite you to take these Bread Crumbs and Make it GREAT!

I want to make sure I can send you these FREE bonuses, so Pre-ORDER NOW…



2 Responses to Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT (Release Date)
  1. David Maynard says:


    Just ordered your book and I look forward to reading it. Very happy for you and love what your doing.

    I wish you the best!

    David Maynard

    • Dave,

      I’m super-glad we’ve reconnected. I can’t wait for you to get my best-seller into your hands my friend. I love to catch up to see how life’s treating you, or should I say, “How you’re treating life.” LOL

      Let’s chat soon. 🙂


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