Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

I heard an interesting statistic lately stating that the average person will spend 7 to 10 years of their lifetime riding in their vehicles.  WOW!!!  That’s a lot of time…  The way I figure it is that’s enough time to get a College Degree, a Masters Degree and even start on a PHD.  Not bad huh?

But the unfortunate reality is that “Most People” will end up wasting and spending their 7 to 10 years of vehicle time listening to stuff that plays very little if any part in making them better.  I believe that there are few missed opportunities in life that are bigger than this.  As a result, I submit to you today that we should take captive the time in our vehicles and redeem that time for ‘good’.

That’s right friends, we should not just ‘spend’ or ‘waste’ this vehicle time on mindless music and idle chatter but we should ‘invest’ this time in listening to things that are inspirational, motivational, empowering and educational for our benefit and betterment.

Intentionally incorporating such an activity into our daily disciplines can definitely lead us to making it GREAT while “Most People” are just struggling to get by or make it ‘good’.  So don’t be “Most People”.  Get on out there and turn your vehicle into a traveling university that makes you better everyday in every way and Make it GREAT!


Woke up this morning with the lyrics of the 1987 hit song by U2 playing in my head, “But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for…” and it got me to thinking.

Yes this is definitely a Great song by a Great group and it raises a Great question today.  Have you found what you’re looking for?  Or maybe an even better question is, are you even still looking?

The harsh reality is that most people give up on looking for the real reason for why they’re here, and an even harsher reality is that many don’t even bother to look at all.  Hmmm…

If you have yet to find what you’re looking for as it relates to your passion and purpose for being here, I invite you to consider making this your homework for life.  Yes my friends we were all born on purpose for a purpose, so I encourage you today to Find it, Follow it and Forever Feel FREE!

Walking in one’s area of passion and really knowing our purpose can make all the difference in our inner and outer smile throughout the day without question.  In fact, I think you’ll even find yourself walking a little bit taller and breathing a little bit easier when you’re walking in the “know.”  So Find it and Define it and Make it GREAT!

Just a little U2 inspiration for you today to let you know that “You too” can Make it GREAT!  🙂


Just in case you were wondering…

Your Destiny isn’t somewhere in your future tomorrow, it’s trapped inside of you and your daily actions today.

So, as this is true, a good question then would be, what actions or inactions are you choosing today?  What daily disciplines are you practicing NOW that will determine your LATER?  Are you choosing to pass or play an active role in the betterment of your own life?

Give it some thought and understand completely that where you end up tomorrow is as a direct result of what you choose to do today.  So be sure to play all-out in your game of life and make sure your actions and daily disciplines are in-line with Making it GREAT!


Becoming a GREAT Leader is synonymous with becoming a GREAT communicator and becoming a GREAT communicator means you have to adopt some GREAT philosophies and principles and develop a GREAT vocabulary.  And, to adopt some GREAT philosophies and principles and develop a GREAT vocabulary you have to be reading some GREAT books.  Yes that’s right friends, GREATNESS begets GREATNESS.

So, you want to be a GREAT Leader, huh?  Well, what books are you reading lately?  Hmmm…  No need to answer out loud, just make us proud if you want to really stand out from the crowd and Make it GREAT!

Using this breadcrumb of wisdom today can really make all the difference in your outcome tomorrow no doubt.  🙂

Let’s keep grabbing those good books and get on out there and Make it GREAT!  The world needs some GREAT leaders now more than ever before, so let’s not let’em down.


Even the greatest of talents, abilities and skillsets in the absence of the proper mindset can leave you upset and that you can bet.

That’s right friends, an old defeat-us mindset can neutralize even the best of skillsets and talents every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

So if this is true, then it only makes sense that getting rid of old limiting mindsets and beliefs should be priority #1 before we seriously consider taking on any worthwhile venture or mission.

So if you’re looking to do something significant or accomplish a worthwhile goal or dream in the coming days, be sure to check your mindset or you may find yourself upset and that you can bet.

Now get-on out there and Make it GREAT!

Need a little mindset upgrade these days or know someone who does?  Then pick up a copy of my book, “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT” and see why teachers, preachers and everyday readers can’t put it down.  Order your copy today @:

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book