Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

I’ve come to realize that in life we’re all running a race against the king of all marathons.  This runner has a distinct advantage against anyone who dares to lace-up a pair of shoes and dawn the track of life.

This juggernaut of an opponent has never, and never will be beat.  It actually even appears as if it was created specifically to run and not be weary.  It treats its race like a job and runs it without passion or prejudice.  It takes no prisoners, shows no mercy and makes no apologies for its actions. More »


Even if you search the world over you will find few things that are a better example of what patience and persistence can do then the age-old seed of the Chinese Bamboo Tree.

Within days of being placed in the ground of fertile soil this small seed goes to work pushing its roots deeper and wider into the earth’s surface setting up the foundation that will eventually support a tree height that dwarfs many others of its kind.

The catch is the results of the work that the seed is doing beneath the earth’s surface will never be seen by its caretaker for several years.  After toiling day-in and day-out feeding and watering the seed, many may become discouraged and eventually succumb to their lack of visual confirmation and affirmation of their diligence. But those faithful few who cling to the promise of persistence and perseverance will eventually have their payoff.
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I’d like to encourage any-and-everyone within eye and ear-shot of my written message today to continue to have patience and persevere through your storm embracing the thought that one day you will be able to leverage your storm-story for the good of inspiring someone else to believe that they can overcome too.

Please understand that in your moments of struggle and despair that you have not been unfairly singled out.  Yes even the greatest among us all have had to at one-time-or-another walk this challenging path and endure pain and hardships from time-to-time.  For the great ones understand that such things are a prerequisite for success in any noble and just endeavor. More »


Some of the people around you may attempt to squash your goals and dreams with a sharp comment or two.  I call these people “Snakes of well-intention“. Have you been bit and victimized by the vicious bite and fast-acting venom of one of these vipers lately?  If so, I say to you today, don’t lose your focus.  Let this venom be the fuel for your vision.  Choose to be empowered by cynicism and encouraged by the “N” words.  The “Never’s, the “No’s”, the “Not’s” and the “No shows”.  Shake off the nasty non-sense of the naughty naysayers.

Make a commitment today, while the weather is good so when the storms come, you will not fold up your umbrella of armor and run for cover.  You will stand your ground and not retreat into that foxhole of fear in the face of adversity for you know that all great men and women have realized their greatness or significance on the other side of such adversity and hardships.

Then when the day comes that you stand face-to-face with your achievement, may you then be so bold to tell the story of how you overcame and became.  I encourage you today to hang in there and continue to fight the good fight because a little bird told me that someone is secretly and unknowingly counting on you not just to win, but to win BIG.  Carpe Diem and make it GREAT!

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As I stumble through this life I’ve bumped into many people who appear to be living lives of quiet desperation.  I truly believe that this is due to them allowing themselves to be negatively affected by the people and media that are around them in everyday life.

Different media outlets continue the onslaught and barrage of shows and advertisements that are subliminally designed to make us feel like we’re less than adequate without certain things in our life.  I believe that this really fosters a “keep up with the Jones’s” mentality which can ultimately cause some pretty significant damage to our lives down the road if left unchecked.

It’s because of this pervasive phenomena that I invite you to consider the following unsolicited advice today.  We must be careful not to allow the success of others around us to distort our view and make us feel as if we’re failing or less than adequate.

I encourage you to continue to go at your own pace and you’ll eventually win your race.  Search for the way, watch others way, then find your own way, for no two paths to success are exactly the same.  All things that are great come in good time.  So keep leaning forward on your journey and keep making it GREAT one day at a time.

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book