The 5 Rules to Living a GREAT Life are soooo stinking simple that most people miss them because they’re expecting fireworks & massively profound paradigms.
Ok to Share if you Dare to show you Care…
The 5 Rules to Living a GREAT Life are soooo stinking simple that most people miss them because they’re expecting fireworks & massively profound paradigms.
Ok to Share if you Dare to show you Care…
What does an Etch-A-Sketch & a Rearview Mirror have to do with Past Stress, Strain, Heart-ache and Pain? Let me Explain…
PTSD or PTSP? Post Tramatic Stress Disorder or Post Tramatic Strength & POWER!
Ok to tell a friend to help them WIN Again & Again!
Happy Mother’s Day to you Mothers and to you Fathers who serve in the role as Mothers.
A late night Inspirational Insomniac Chat that will make you smile for a while…
My story of that fateful day in the middle month of May…
Ok to tell a foe or friend or next of kin to help them Win.
A Nugget Inspired by the NASCAR Pit Crew that applies to you and your Crew.
The ABCD’s are the Keys to being Exceptional in any space…
Ok to tell family or a friend to help them WIN…
The 4-Step “P.I.E.” Process that leads you to making your impact on this Hurting Humanity.
On the ladder of success in this “life” thing, you can’t skip the rungs.
Ok to tell a friend to help them Win…