The #1 Biggest Bully this side of the Universe REVEALED !!!
Don’t just Tattoo your body. TATTOO THE WORLD!!!
Ok to Share if you Dare to show you Care… 😉
The #1 Biggest Bully this side of the Universe REVEALED !!!
Don’t just Tattoo your body. TATTOO THE WORLD!!!
Ok to Share if you Dare to show you Care… 😉
Our Biggest Enemy is our “Inner-Me”…
ONLY a Fool would chase the M&M’s (Money & Material things) hoping it will bring them joy.
The relationship between Wealth & Service…
Ok to Share if you Dare to show you Care… 😉
It’s not about how much money you make, it’s about who you become in the process.
“Don’t be too happy because you might make some other people unhappy.” Jk…. 😉
Building your community of people who “know you”, “Like You” and “Trust You” can open the door to you influencing them in the direction of that which you believe to be valuable.
If you’re still above ground and breathing, your “it” is NOT finished. You still have work to do, so GET BUSY!!!
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That’s right my friends, in this “Life” thing if you don’t have problems from time-to-time, you’ve got a BIG problem.
Problems have a specific job to do in our lives, and that job is to help make us better.
So, some of the problems that we’re trying to run away from, we need to stop and turn around and start running toward them so we can get through them to become that which we need to be so we can see that which we want to see.
So face those problems head-on my friends and Make it GREAT!!!
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