Having pride in oneself is a process that should always be a work-in-progress.
Yes my friends, when it comes to our own “pride” we can never arrive. We have to stay in a constant positive flow reminding ourselves of our value and worth because the world is littered with those who appear to be hardwired to create a frown and bring us down.
It’s almost like there’s some sort of invisible, “Happy-Medium Zone” in life or something and anytime someone is too far below it, people respond by pulling them up with a kind or encouraging word or two. But, anytime we’re flying too far above it people turn into so-called “Haters” and “Crab-Grabbers” and spew-out words and engage in actions that are designed to hurt others and pull them back down to the “Happy-Medium Zone”.
Yes my friends there appears to be no shortage of would-be joy-stealers that are quick to steal peoples thunder and assault them with the lightening of a fiery word or two in an attempt to bring them back “down-to-earth” to the “Happy-Medium Zone”.
Well, I for one would like to go on record and state that I will never be comfortable with being a part of the “Happy-Medium Zone” and neither should you. I encourage you today to never just settle for a satisfactory compromise of a mediocre existence and lackluster life to appease the masses. Continue to flex your confidence muscles and think highly of yourself no matter what and know that you’re worth much more than just some-ole’ “Happy-Medium”.
You mean much more than just the world to somebody out there and don’t you ever forget it! Yes your value and worth is off-the-charts my friend and I LOVE IT!!!