If “Good Intentions” without actions and work were enough, there would be no need for apologies. And if “apologies” actually achieved results, then someone would probably find a way to make them into a pill form and sell them by the bottle.
No my friends, the only thing that really matters is what we say followed closely by what we do. And if we make a habit of not doing what we say and following through, the person that ultimately we’re really disappointing and letting down is ourselves. Yes my friends this is true because if our words are void of reinforced actions, we then run the risk of eventually becoming undependable and irrelevant to those around us.
So, my unsolicited advice for us all today is to be sure to take good care of our words by backing them up with our supportive actions, because like-it-or-not, somebodies watching us and they’re taking good notes of our example. So let’s give them something good to write about. This is no doubt one of the most important keys to Making it GREAT!