I was hanging out with my kiddos yesterday at one of our favorite conversation spots called Olive Garden and I made a comment about how nice they look on a daily basis. But not just their external features and great taste in clothes, but even more important than that, their hearts, their smarts and their respect for others being off the charts.
Then I told them, “If I was your age I would want to hang out with you.” Now naturally this caught them off guard so I followed it up by saying, “You guys would have a good influence on me and I would feel really good around you because you guys are really cool in a special kinda way.”
“Whattt… Now Dad that would just be weird.” they said as we all shared a hardy laugh together. But that moment got me to thinking and as a result, I have a quick question for you to ponder today. “If you were not ‘You’ would you want to hang out with “You”? Yep, this is one of those questions that makes you say “Hmmm…”
Give it some serious thought and be honest with yourself as you decide if some changes need to be made to make you more attractive to “You”. You may want to ask yourself :
“Do I gossip too much, complain too much, whine too much or blame too much?
Would I celebrate my coming around or just tolerate my presence with an uncomfortable frown?
Would I get on my own nerves and piss my own self off?”
Give it some thought and don’t forget to be brutally honest with yourself because the worst person you could ever tell a lie to is “You”. After all, if we wouldn’t want to be with ourselves, then how can we blame others for not wanting to hang around us either?
So, do you need to consider making some changes? No need to answer this question here, just make sure you’re crystal clear and consider these questions in the coming year.
Let’s Make it GREAT!