Well, it goes without saying that it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas right about now. Yes I said “Christmas” at least that’s what I like to call it. The twinkling lights and the short daylight, yes all of it I like.
In fact, I have to say that I love everything about the Christmas season except the fact that it’s ONLY for a season. Well, actually it doesn’t have to just be for a season if you don’t want it to be. Yes that’s right my friends, we can take those things that we like most about this season and carry them on throughout the year.
Some may like to listen to their Christmas music all year round like me and I’m sure we all know a neighbor or two that chooses to leave up their Christmas lights either because they love the look or their just too lazy to do it right. And, even still there are some who prefer to keep displaying their interior things and nativity scenes but no matter what the season may bring, be sure to keep doing the following few little things:
Keep showing Love and keep being Kind,
And keep showing Compassion to all mankind.
Keep giving the needy of your Treasures and Time,
And don’t be afraid to share my short little rhyme.
Simply put, you don’t need a catchy rhyme or reason to show love, compassion and kindness in every season. So, let’s Make it GREAT all year round!