Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

The strangest thing happened to me today in a doctor’s office and the events were indeed stranger than fiction and I must share.

I was tagging along with my 16-year-old son, Cedric Jr (Little “C”), to his first-ever chiropractor visit with Dr. Graham. Unlike most, I actually don’t mind hanging out in waiting rooms and such during doctor visits because I always manage to bring a good personal development book to read or my journal so I can do some writing.

Today while sitting in the doctor’s office with my journal I suddenly realized that this time last year I was newly introduced to the highly intense sport of Crossfit. After only two short weeks my old football injuries and a knee surgery eventually knocked me out of the sport but I took with me some valuable lessons that also are transferrable and applicable to life. So to commemorate my one year, Crossfit anniversary I thought it would be a good idea to write a little something about the topic for my blog. Then it happened.

Moments into my writing I was suddenly interrupted by Dr. Graham’s entry. I quickly looked up and we made eye contact and the first words out of his mouth were, “Hey, I know you.” I then smiled back at him and jokingly said, “You must watch a lot of episodes of COPS then”. We then shared a quick LOL then he said, “No, I recognize you from Crossfit last year.” “Ahhh… Of course, now I remember your face.” I said with a smile.

A casual conversation followed and I advised him that coincidentally I was just in the process of writing an article for my blog on the subject and then he suddenly walked in. He thought that was pretty interesting too. He then begin doing his evaluation on my son while we continued to pepper the conversation with Crossfit and other niceties and before you knew it, we were all done. He then asked was there anything else he could do for us and I requested a selfie. “Wow! I’ve been in this business for over 18 years and you’re the first client to ever ask me for a doctor’s-office-selfie.” He said. And I replied, “Well, I guess we can be the first to start the Doctor’s-office-selfie trend.” We LOL’d and snapped a few shots and then went on about our merry way wishing each other a great day.

You know in Crossfit many athletes will agree with the notion that no matter how many different ways you carry a 45 pound plate, it’s still heavy. I invite you to consider that so too are the burdens in our life. No matter how you choose to carry them, they still will negatively affect you and slow you down if you don’t eventually put them down. Carrying heavy burdens can even prevent you from having a cheerful interaction with those you come into contact with every day.

After leaving the doctor’s office, I asked Little “C” what he thought about our interaction with the doctor and we both agreed that it was light, upbeat, engaging and encouraging. I think it’s fair to assume that he didn’t bring any of his burdens to the office with him today and we will all definitely feel a little bit better as we go about the rest of our day.

Simply put, no burdens opens us up to seizing opportunities to make other peoples day GREAT. So my unsolicited advice for you today is to let those negative burdens go so those positive vibes can flow.

Dr. Randall T. Graham at Optimal Wellness in Bakersfield, CA is DA MAN!!!

Lay those burdens down and let’s keep Making it GREAT!


I believe that the greatest yet most overlooked and unrecognized power an individual can ever possess is the power of one person’s actions to negatively dictate the actions and feelings of another. Yes my friends, this type of power carries more weight than you’d ever know and many all over the world can be found guilty on many occasions of unknowingly giving this power over to many individuals in their lives every day.

I too at times have fallen victim to this same phenomenon repeatedly over the years. That was until one day I read somewhere how important it is for us to maintain control of our feelings and responsive-actions at all times. So, I encourage you today to never let someone’s actions or inactions toward you elicit a negative response or reaction from you. If so, this could quite possibly lead to ruining your day, your week or even your whole life if you’re not careful and that’s just too much power to give to another individual.

So, again I encourage you to never let the actions or inactions of another dictate our personal feelings and mood. Make every effort to stay in control in the days ahead so we can all Make it GREAT!


As I continue to traverse this “life” thing I’m gaining more-and-more clarity in seeing that the more I know the more I’m realizing that I don’t know. But the biggest challenge appears to be that I don’t know what I don’t know so I don’t always specifically know just what it is that I need to know. Hmmm…

But the one thing that I do know is that I will always need to know more. So my journey of knowledge acquisition continues. Dare to join me today in committing to stay in “the flow of wanting to know” so we can all make this “good” life, GREAT!



Living in the past is pathetic and living in the future is foolish but living in the present can be powerful.

Allowing the infinite possibilities of the future to dictate your feelings in the present can cause a ton of undue stress and strain which can ultimately prevent your gain. Yes that’s right my friends, allowing yourself to worry in advance about fearful future possibilities can lead you to unnecessary heartache.

To that end, I encourage you to forget about the “past-then” and the “future-when” and live in the “now” again, because ONLY what you do right NOW in this infinite moment in time really matters. And, I say we choose to leverage this time to Make it GREAT!

Simply put. Don’t worry about tomorrow, make today Great. 🙂


I was just thinking that wouldn’t it be Great if we all had our expiration dates marked behind our left ear like a milk carton so we would know how much time we had left before we expire.

Or wouldn’t it be even Greater if we could easily tell if a person was real or fake by just holding them up to the light like a hundred dollar bill.

Or even better, wouldn’t it be the absolute Greatest if our beloved cellphones had a special App that could easily tell us what our true area of passion was so we wouldn’t just settle into a mediocre, passionless existence. Hmmm…

I think it’s fair to say that none of the above things are likely to happen, but finding ones true area of passion doesn’t require an App. It requires attention and intention and can lead to prevention. Yep that’s right my friends, paying attention to what makes you come alive and intentionally following a path to making that thing Great is the key to being all you can be in this “life” thing and preventing you from just settling for average and mediocre. It can also make for an even better world we live in.

So, let’s NOT just settle for being ok to just “get by” in this “life” thing. Let’s find and follow that thing that makes us strive, thrive and come alive with passion and Make it GREAT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book